Thursday, January 28, 2016

Miss dance bar in the “anti” phase: Rihanna’s sound sounds Kiffen in the dark – NEWS



 Thursday, January 28, 2016


  From Anna Meinecke


 Those who place a high value on a good mood, which had already warned at this point: Rihanna pulls down. With 13 new songs, the singer is struggling from the commercial area of ​​the Pops. Your new minimalism is exciting but also difficult to digest.



“Rated R”, “Loud”, “Talk That Talk”, “Unapologetic” – four consecutive years Rihanna has always released an album in November and celebrated successes, like most, they only dream of. She should not be surprised if the disappointment in year number five is great because no new plate comes. Rihanna has made break. Three years they let pass without a new studio album.

Rihanna at the beginning of last year with new material on stage, together with Kanye West and Paul McCartney, as they praised the critics to sheer joy of reunion as if she had musically completely reinvented, evolved as a person to Miles. The new album could not wait as long in coming. So everyone thought – and all were wrong

Last night it was now so far.. “Anti” is ready for a few hours for free download. 13 new songs – neither “Four Five Seconds” nor “Bitch Better Have My Money” or “American Oxygen” made it into the selection. The “anti” -Rihanna waived their big hits from 2015 and makes the opening track “consideration” very much in advance, the announcement that they will do things from now on in their own way -. Whatever that means

With joint in the sofa corner

Two large Popdamen have caused the unusual release of their album for eddy in the recent past. For once there is Beyoncé, the available made their eponymous album in 2013 without prior notification of the iTunes Store, on the other hand Miley Cyrus, who since the summer with “Miley Cyrus & amp; Her Dead Petz” equal to 23 songs can stream for free via Soundcloud permanently. Rihanna has become the two major USPs of both boards made use in “anti”:. To animate the element of surprise and the artistic freedom of an album whose primary goal is not first, the fans to buy

A big marketing package is “anti” of course anyway. The advertising-heavy announcement clips come from Samsung, the marketing led by Jay Zs streaming service Tidal where Rihanna is involved. The world tour is announced. “Anti” feels not quite as calmly and personally, how it should act. Without large disco-mix without great guest stars – apart from buddy Drake -. Appears the new album with experimental sounds deliberately knitted for critics and awards

Fans who love Rihanna for their animating tracks, however, are ” Anti “scare. The first songs are for R’n’B friends still safe to digest, gen center will then dim to bizarre. Who danced two nights and wants to hide after eating a narcotics cocktails with joint in any corner of the sofa, which provides “anti” the perfect soundtrack with songs for artery-slitting.

In her new minimalism is otherwise so eccentric Rihanna best when it sounds fatalistic atmosphere as in “Desperado”. Since it is Cowgirl and their stands. Between the unusual club sounds of “Woo” for apparently Travis Scott, The-Dream and The Weeknd are responsible, Rihanna seems however a bit lost.

Dear stodgy as inconsequential

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That “anti” something feels strange, can not be disputed. In gloomy synth sounds Rihanna is just as at home as in the pure honesty of “Never Ending”. If it sounds like an old soul, like “Love On The Brain”, then does that in my head better, and at the final piano ballad “Close To You” one is almost tempted to draw the comparison with “Unfaithful” in 2006. It would be a mistake.

No song on “Anti” works like Rihanna’s old pieces. Some songs do not work, otherwise you have to take in a while to finally find convinced of the voice. “Anti” to be bulky, a work of art that would rather be challenging and difficult to digest as nice, but irrelevant. The old Rihanna would have sung with great drama of heartbreak, the new takes the sadness out with a shrug. What “anti” tells about the singer, is that she did not really care is that she wants to be taken seriously. The results are pretty depressing songs. In the sense “anti” is also still in January finally a proper Rihanna November-plate.

“Anti” by Rihanna is the Tidal Store for download.





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