Saturday, January 23, 2016

Jungle Camp: Thorsten Legat gets the star record –

Good riddance: Jenny Elvers is out of the jungle. After the Stars in the jungle and countless storms Heulattacken have survived, they are now only eight. But before the audience decided to send the blonde actress to David and Rolf to the hotel, Thorsten Legat took the first stars record of the anniversary season. Ricky Harris rushed meanwhile due to a snake in an emotional crisis.

jungle camp: Probably it is now the laughter passed though Jenny Elvers is considered one of the favorites, is however already thrown by the spectators at the second voting of the camp..



With the new celebrities, the jungle is back. Take a look with us in the Australian jungle

“Hallelujah! Thank you, dear God,” exclaimed Helena Fürst, as it was clear that they did not have to compete for exceptional jungle test on day nine. Instead allowed Thorsten “Terminator” Legat – voted almost unanimously by the candidates – ask for the third time his jungle talents. And this test called “cave agony” it had in itself. Here, the ex-footballer had not only “crawl, swim and dive”, but threatened eels, snakes and crocodiles, and try to grab as many stars as possible.

Nine stars for the Indomitable

However, neither the water that was in his throat, still lashed rope knot could stop him. For the former, a Thorsten Legat has finally steeled a body, for the latter teeth as sharp as knives. And so the indomitable Thorsten managed the impossible: At the end he had all nine stars in the bag – and thus in a single exam more stars as Helena snatched Prince in each of its eight-imposed tasks. “In the next life I want a Thosten Legat be” dreamed Moderator Daniel Hartwich, given this record.

But legate incentive was not about the triumph over the other candidates, but a bet with his children. “Because a strict father, I am so, they have made me the choice: Dad, if you’re going into the jungle, you have to make it happen and all the stars bring your dream,” he admitted Sonja Zietlow and Daniel Hartwich fresh from the underwater Cave escape. A truly heartrending moment of even a Thorsten Legat brought to tears. “Should I be ashamed of myself,” he asked again at the camp in the face of his emotional outbreak overwhelmed Brigitte Nielsen.

Ricky, the common snake?

After Thorsten Legat had passed his examination, broke two blondes for treasure hunting. Surrounded by trees, Jenny and Sophia had to guess who had assigned what animal the remaining candidates. The solution: Menderes Lamb, Jenny Swan, Helena Goat, Thorsten Gorilla, Jürgen Cat, Brigitte stallion, Nathalie Sloth, Sophia Parrot, Ricky Snake. The price: an ominous box and the puzzle “A liar more – women or men?”. This question was there to solve – for a possible reward

The camp decided mehrstimmig for the wrong answer “women” and behind the open lock concealed gaping void.. “I am shocked that this quote applies to the men,” said Thorsten voiced. Even Ricky fell thereafter in an emotional crisis – but for other reasons. “I do not want to be snake”, howled the moderator in the interview room. “I have a feeling that everything is very, very wrong going on here.” This statement seems even understandable. Ricky seemed isolated in the group more and more. The other told him do not even his favorite fruit and ate Ricky’s own bananas without demand on

All about. “I’m a Celebrity – Get me out of here” in Special at

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