Thursday, February 9, 2017

TV-criticism “Maischberger”: off-points – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Sandra Maischberger and her only guest in this broadcast: the Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble.

hostess Sandra Maischberger painted this time in your broadcast is a true horror picture of the world. Why you should play the old man the hero? Wolfgang Schäuble held back. To lure him from the Reserve, would have been other issues need to. About the role of the International monetary Fund, the European financial crisis. Finding that Greece needs a debt cut, the Signal for the exit of Greece from the currency Union?

But such questions were. Instead, Schaeuble images of the Union summit should comment on from Munich. Sent to the CDU-politician withdrew from the affair. How should he otherwise. In July, the Union parties want to introduce their electoral programme. You put on a short and sharp election campaign. What is a personnel decision of a Munich-based football clubs?

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it is Different with the new situation in America. The election campaign has alienated Wolfgang Schäuble. Many of the new government don’t like him at all. He conceded to the President that he has understood the communication in the social media better than its competitor. Now Schäuble relies on the Functioning of the much-vaunted Checks and Balances, even if the Trumps talks continued judge of a different language. Even the candidate for the vacancy in the Supreme court has said now irritated by President Trumps attacks.

punitive tariffs violate world trade rules. What if Trump ignored the WTO? The strongest country in the world throws under the rules, he doesn’t seem to accept anyway. This is Schäuble opportunity to the far-sighted set, according to the office of the American President, was grey.

Europe hears the Wake-up call. It is still not clear, how it responds to him. The plans of the new government to cash in on Obama’s financial market reform, going in the wrong direction. Still, the shadow banks were regulated inadequately.

As a grandfather, he finds that today’s youth have better opportunities than ever before. Maybe it was the result of too many “good” days, that the picture of the world darkened. He recalled how the country in 1954 destroyed looked. Sandra Maischberger is trying to get him with Yes/no-questions from the Reserve. Scenes from the TV-portrait of Stephan Lambys remain impressive. Schäuble’s relationship to the policy Seeks to address, shows how unprepared for this conversation.

The European Union had used crisis situations to self-a piece of progress. There is re-Thinking this dialectic in schäuble’s to be on both sides of a problem at home. But also, the presenter reacts only with the question of whether the Brexit do school. Of course not. After the regional elections, the Front National has not made any single regional presidents. Schäuble finds it far-fetched (“I’m an Idiot”), to speculate about an end to the EU.

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