Friday, February 3, 2017

Trump’s Twitter war with Schwarzenegger in the next round –

You’d think Donald Trump was busy as President of the United States with the implementation of his political Agenda is more than enough. But far from it – for a small, rather absurd Twitter war is obviously still plenty of time. Trump’s opponent is, of all things, Arnold Schwarzenegger. But the “Terminator” knows how to fight back.

So began the fight: Because Donald Trump, the policy has prescribed, he could not lead his TV Show “The Celebrity Apprentice”, in the prominent candidates to raise money for a charity of their choice to fight. Trumps successor was Arnold Schwarzenegger. The movie star and former Governor of California

However, the quotas remain after the first episode of behind-the-expectations – of what the newly elected, but not yet into the office, introduced President took immediately to a Twitter attack. “Wow, the odds are, and Arnold Schwarzenegger was sunk (or destroyed) in comparison to the ratings machine DJT”, he tweeted. “But what the heck. He was already for Kasich and Hillary.”

Pray for Schwarzenegger

After that, Donald Trump seemed to be busy, first of all, as a US presidential decrees in a rush to sign. However, Schwarzenegger said at the beginning of the week critical of the Trump adopted and highly controversial ban: “It’s crazy, and makes us look ridiculous if the White house is ill-prepared measures skin simple,” said the movie star the entertainment channel “Extra TV”. “I know what he wants to achieve. He fears that people arriving from other countries, could harm our country. But there is another way to deal with it properly and reach the goal nonetheless. I think you acted too precipitately.”

With these words is likely to have Schwarzenegger, the President called back into memory. Because as Trump spoke on Thursday at the “National Prayer Breakfast” in front of representatives from politics and business, he took up the subject again. He called on those present to pray for Schwarzenegger’s audience. Because the were a “total Disaster” and “directly down the drain”.

Arnie suggests a Job swap

let The answer of the “Terminators” don’t have to wait long. In a Video Schwarzenegger, Trump suggested, but to simply replace the Jobs. When he was US President, could sleep the Americans at least calm again.

“Bad Job as Governor of California”

That, in turn, could not and would not allow Donald Trump to sit down. On Friday morning, he etched against Schwarzenegger, this time with respect to his political career: “Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger has done a really poor Job as Governor of California, and even worse in the Apprentice … but at least he is trying,” wrote Trump.

a further threat against Iran (“play with fire”), the bosses announcement of a meeting with Economy, to create Jobs, as well as a comment to the shots in front of the Louvre in Paris.

Because of the Twitter effect-small war with Arnie again much more absurd. But it is not likely to be due to previous history, probably for a long time.


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