Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Theatre meeting in 2017: The best performances – MIRROR ONLINE

are traveled throughout The year, seven critics, and critics commissioned by the Berliner Festspiele and by the German-speaking room, to find the ten productions on German stages, and the remarkable “in your opinion” are this season. You will meet at the Berlin theatre (5. to 21. May) will be presented.

the selection for The 54. Berlin theater is a pretty colorful mixture of meetings this year. A lot of young Directors, not only in the city theatre, and not only in metropolises. That is remarkable. A clear Trend is not visible. The festival Director, Yvonne Büdenhölzer expressed it this way: The Theater is showing “multi-layered, open and permeable than ever”. The Director Claudia Bauer has to represent with their staging of the turn of the novel “89/90″ from Leipzig, the East German theatre landscape is once again alone; Bauer is also the only Director in the selection.

“The destruction”, directed by Ersan moon day, the Konzert Theater Bern

Last year, Ersan was the moon with his picture, powerful, mysterious horror tale “tyranny” at the theatre meeting of the shooting star; this year, the young Berlin-based has to prove that he deserves the title (and it’s not a few critics find). In the relatively small Theater of the city of Bern, he created a total work of art, and the Text of the young writer Olga Bach is a “community of under-employed do-gooders” in a green wucherndes rogue’s Paradise was added.

“Real Magic”, directed by Forced Entertainment, PACT Zollverein, Essen / HAU, Berlin / artist house Mousonturm Frankfurt and others

The German-British Performance group Forced Entertainment under the direction of Tim Etchells has existed for more than 30 years, she has done post-dramatic theatre, before the word has even reached the German theatre studies, seminars, and she has been an integral part in the programs of international production houses, such as, for example, the PACT Zollverein in Essen and the Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin. The invitation to the Theatertreffen comes rather late in the day. But perhaps the Real Magic is “” Yes, really, the best Forced Entertainment Show of all time. The three performers don’t need much to make a Quiz Show on the legs – and to make it according to the Jury, an evening “Hysterical and crazy”.

“The Schimmelreiter”, directed by Johan Simons, the Thalia Theater in Hamburg

Director Johan Simons, Born in 1946, has experienced as a child in his Dutch home, a flood disaster that has left him traumatized by his own admission. It was probably inevitable that Simon, until recently Director of the Ruhrtriennale, and the fall of the chief of the Bochum Schauspielhaus, at some point in Theodor Storm’s dyke, the amendment would land. Hamburg was the right place for it. In his almost Protestant-strict staging Simons focuses on the word – Jens Harzer as Deichgraf Hauke sharks, wants to build a dike for the eternity, but on the superstition of the and his fellows mistrust fails, plows like a tractor through the troubled text of the sea.

“Sad wizard”, directed by Thom Luz, the state theatre of Mainz

Still a wizard: The Swiss Thom Luz is a quiet artist. He is, however, not be overlooked, speaks for his Talent and for the longing for other sounds and a different pace beyond our everyday life. In 2015, he was meeting with his adaptation of Judith Schalanskys “Atlas of remote Islands” for the first Time at the theatre, this time the 35-Year-old shows “a silent Comedy with music”. Again, he conveys to his viewers, so the Jury, “the deep confidence that in those parallel worlds more Wonderful than all the seductions of consumer, career, and credits”.

“Five Easy Pieces”, directed by Milo Rau International Institute of Political Murder and CAMPO Ghent

The Swiss theatre-maker Milo Rau is not a man for the theatre audience, the sit back and like to be toasty in your seat to view the problems of people from the past to tell in the art of everyday life, also language. Rau has made a documentary evenings about the genocide in Rwanda and the war in the Congo, and always to the responsibility of Europe asked. This time, he takes on the case of Belgian child abductor, the-rapist and murderer Dutroux and provides children on the stage. His piece is not only a piece about Dutroux, but also one about Power and the abuse of power by adults towards children, as a parent, teacher or theatre Director. In Belgium, he has won a theatre prize, in Frankfurt, the host has cancelled the game – from youth protection reasons, because children in Germany may only occur with a special permit in the evening.

“Three sisters”, directed by Simon Stone, theatre Basel

Simon Stone, 32, is a Early. Stone was the last year for the first Time at the theatre, and he has announced that he will soon, for now, from the theatre to say goodbye – what a pity, because the Australian (grew up in Basel, Cambridge and Melbourne), is a talent, a super. Any offset to the time, the middle-class dramas from the last century, so consistently, in the present, even with an old hoot like Chekhov’s “Three sisters”, the dream of becoming from the riser, but never leave, he succeeds.

“89/90″, directed by Claudia Bauer, Schauspiel Leipzig

describe The art of the author Peter Richter, Born in 73, as I have to be teller, was in his novel, “89/90″ the historical events of these years consistently amused-astonished, from the point of view of the 16-Year-old: In June 1989, the Hero of the novel travels with his class to the premilitary training to the military camp, four months later, he crashes with adolescent enthusiasm in the battles at Dresden’s main railway station, where East Germans trying to get to the trains with the refugees from the Prague Embassy, and the police be prevented from doing so. Claudia Bauer runs according to the theatre Jury is meeting-this is a personal recollection “in its opposite and staged a turn of oratory”.

“The robber”, directed by Ulrich Rasche, Residenz theater Munich

Ulrich Rapid four-hour Monumental staging is “exhaustive and overwhelming at the same time,” was after the Premiere of the judgment on MIRROR ONLINE. The Director is also his own stage designer; for Schiller’s classic, he has made two giant conveyor belt-like machine on the stage and the performers on the inclined surface on a leash. Conclusion of the SPON-critic: “The man in revolt is in Rapid a pipsqueak in the large Assembly line and factory wheels the time.”

“Bungling”, directed by Herbert Fritsch, volksbühne Berlin

Without Herbert Fritsch is almost no theater came out in the last years. The former Berlin volksbühne actors and Castorf-Star Herbert Fritsch has brought it as a Director, quickly became a cult status with the audience and with the critics. His invitation is well understood as a farewell gift to the volksbühne Director Frank Castorf vagina, the must in the summer after a quarter of a century, a New soft. The Amazing thing is that Fritsch is, but that the other people’s stage veterans Marthaler and Pollesch and Castorf himself missing. “Bungling” is again a real Fritsch: highly artificial, highly musical, full-speed Slapstick.

“The Borderline procession”, directed by Kay Voges, Schauspiel Dortmund

Kay Voges, Director in Dortmund, the multi-media theatre renewal genius, many consider him? In may, you can get in Berlin is a picture of it. “A Loop by what divides us”, he calls the evening that he has developed together with Dirk Baumann and Alexander Kerlin. “Philosophical total theatre” called the Jury and announces a procession, “as if trying to exorcise the crazy world that has become ghosts”.


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