Monday, February 6, 2017

Inge Keller is dead – MIRROR ONLINE

It was considered the Grande Dame of German theater, and was famous for her refined attitude. Now, the actress Inge Keller has died aged 93.

The actress Inge Keller is dead. The theatre actress died at the age of 93 in a Berlin nursing home. The basement was peacefully asleep, informed the German theatre in Berlin, citing Keller’s daughter, Barbara Schnitzler.

at the time of the divided Germany was the basement due to their make attitude and your fine language as “on-duty Countess of the GDR”. Already with 19 years in the bourgeois Friedenau-raised Berliner, stand on the stage.

Keller worked with Directors such as Wolfgang Langhoff, Peter stone, Thomas Langhoff, Harry Kupfer, Robert Wilson, Einar Schleef and Michael Thalheimer. The television of the GDR, their important roles. She starred in “gewissen in Aufruhr” (1961), “Little man, What now?” (1967) and “Effi Briest” (1970).

“your absolute Insistence on the power and importance of language loomed like from a different time over”, the President of the Academy of arts, Jeanine meerapfel. And the actor Ulrich Matthes, Director of the Academy, the section for Performing arts, said: “an unmistakable Aura was felt not only in their roles, but also in their numerous readings. The German theatre has one of its most striking personalities will be lost.”

“she enjoyed Prestige and admiration throughout the country”

Keller made his debut in 1942 in the Theater am Kurfürstendamm, after several stations, 1950, went to the Deutsche Theater in Berlin, where she was, until 2001, an ensemble member, and then as a guest occurred. After the turn of the basement took on roles in cinema and TV films, including “Aimée and Jaguar”, “Lola + Bilidikid” and “Wilsberg”. On the stage she wowed him high age as a “Tilla” – in a piece about the actress Tilla Durieux.

Inge Keller married in 1952, and later a political commentator on East German television, Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler (“The Black channel”). From the after only a few years, divorced marriage, daughter, Barbara Schnitzler, who was also an actress.

Berlin’s governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) said: “We say goodbye in mourning of the Grande Dame of the play, Inge Keller. She has influenced the theatre in our city over the decades, and enjoyed Prestige and admiration throughout the country, in the East and in the West.” The theatre and film metropolis Berlin mourn a distinctive actress, and likeable personality.


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