Saturday, February 11, 2017

THE BEST “Second”VIDEOS | The great Trump-Satire-wave IMAGE

In his inaugural speech as a 45. President of the United States on 20. January made it clear to Donald Trump: America first.

three days later delivery in the case of the Dutch Satire show “Sunday with Lubach” a Video with typical Trump rhetoric that points out: Holland, but as a second!

With tips, comments before the four-minute-long Film Trump, the Netherlands, with its “great” benefits, such as the pony Park “Slagharen”, and a miniature Wonderland. The Holland-Video became a Viral Hit.

The Satire wave with the Trump parodies

Meanwhile, there is a Satire-shaft:

► what a surprise, that Germany’s satirical the king and the Erdogan-mitsurft fright Jan böhmermann on the shaft: The ZDF-Clown, presented in his show “Neo magazine Royale” on Thursday evening, in addition to a private Video to the Internet site where the Clips of the various Late-Night shows can be viewed.

Almost daily, with new parodies of countries come there to participate in the fight for second place.

HERE are the best satirical Videos:

the Netherlands

The start of the video wave came from the Netherlands.

Dutch is the best language in the world is as claimed. And English is a “Fake language”. In addition, the Netherlands would have the best Tax evasion System in the world.

And: Netherlands, have built a whole ocean, to the Mexicans keep, of course, the Mexicans would have paid for this ocean.


In the promotional film for Germany is it for B. in reference to the Trumps announced the construction of the wall to Mexico.: “We have built a large, German wall. Easy built. And the Russians pay for it."

in Addition, be referred to the Dutch as to be dangerous, Sarah and Pietro Lombardi as well as the Oktoberfest by the cocoa drawn and the Nazi past (“The world wars were the world’s best wars of the world and we have won them both – each says something different, spread Fake News.”) completely wrong


Switzerland is in your Image-Film on the “big fat mountain” of the country, in addition, you lure Trump with their enormous gold reserves. And Breasts that women at you long into the 20th century. Century has no right to vote

DJ Bobo’ve developed the Gangster Rap he was better than Kayne West, and especially: He was white.


In the Belgian satirical Video is the Trump right with the statement: Brussels is a true hell hole.”

in addition, the Belgians hated both the French and the German-speaking part of the country. Fact: ABBA was not Swedish, but a Belgian Band. And in the end, it would be fine, too, if Belgium come not second, but the tenth.


The main advantage of Luxembourg, to judge, at least according to the Clip, whether the tax system: Trump would have to pay in Luxembourg, no taxes.

in addition, had the Luxembourg money, many banks and immigrants as a Royal couple, would love to say: Trump A country such as Donald it easy.


Croatia is not (yet) on the website of the “EU second”Videos, but perhaps it is linked to that you only want to come in third place: Germany do you think should be Second.

The benefits of the “small but huge” country are obvious: The politicians in the corruption of Paradise are so cheap that anyone can afford them. And of course: In Dubrovnik, the best walls in Croatia were, the city would like the U.S. President, because she was completely surrounded by this wall.

All the latest News on Donald Trump

Croatia is also the birthplace of Nikola Tesla, and the electricity and the tie had been invented during the time of the common struggles with Napoleon’s France against the Rest of Europe.

East Frisia

Apart from countries in Europe, some parts of the country have produced videos on the topic of Trump, for example, Ostfriesland.

subtitles are touted baskets of all the benefits of with lighthouses, windmills, drawbridges, fishing boats and the beach. Your Language? “It’s Flat.”

welcome it hot throughout the day, “Moin” – much more would be spoken.

Which of the Clips at the end wins and which country is really in second place, has not yet been clarified.

(choose Almost)winner would then probably also the US President personally. Donald Trump definitely has a remarkable (and hilarious)!

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