Sunday, December 14, 2014

TV Column: “Wetten, dass ..?” – Finale: So bravely took Samuel Koch farewell … – ABC Online

Updated on Sunday, 14.12.2014, 12:57 · FOCUS editor Beate Strobel

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After 33 years of service, the TV Dino “adopted Wetten, dass ..? “retire. The ZDF saves a bombastic farewell. Only one of 215 programs? The difference is Samuel Koch’s moving performance

Now all at once. Love. All that “Wetten, dass ..?” In recent years, Germany’s TV fireplace have bullied and belittled gebasht: those who were given the announced end suddenly make big howl. Remembered at once to Frank Elstner, Saturday evenings watching television in terry pajamas and with mums sandwiches, and at the time when they wanted to become a bulldozer driver, and then hang with big shovel small socks on the clothesline. “Wetten, dass ..?” Was the collective security blanket for all felt for years to cool. But as soon as they should be disposed of final, whining starts.

Cheers for Lanz

Say goodbye softly, “Hello”? Quiet is not. Lanz is only a crash and then be greeted with the “Fantastic Four” clapping from the audience. “I know you’re hanging on the air,” Lanz accosted against the seemingly endless applause greeting. “Me too.” Why did not you believe him

But whether you love the show now or do not like? “? Wetten, dass ..” has written television history. And already this reason alone, the program would have a big, oh what: deserved bombastic farewell, with glitz and glamor, with the biggest stars and real tears. That the ZDF the mother of all Saturday night shows not give this stage, is sad.

What will never understand America

But as is this final show only how each of the 214 before: Human compete against machine, child against dogs sloppy tongue. The sofa Guests on the couch happily turning their CDs, movies, books before, and the outside bet of course is the hammer. The Hollywood star – this time: Ben Stiller – making a surprised face, and Markus Lanz jokes that he has memorized in the wardrobe. Given the mischievous tenderness, smeared with the Bully Herbig’s face with Elton liverwurst, almost one regrets the Americans that they will no longer be “Wetten, dass ..?” Can come and get excited about it. “The senseless, the better” – that was for 33 years. And now is no longer

In Video:. Why the audience clapped and clapped

Samuel Koch also says goodbye

It is – even if it is covered, as if Thomas Gottschalk still on board – a good but not a show of the superclass: confident,

experienced, but with lengths. Or how Lanz would say: “Sensational!” In between every now and then looking back, quite well in sadness: A lot of “do you remember” and “back then was so …”. A little bit of it goes on the couch at like any better class reunion or grandpa’s 90th birthday. And as with everything grandpa used to be any better.

Touching it is only in the minutes in which Samuel Koch rolled onto the stage, the man whose fatal crash in 2010 became the consignment into freefall and the fun was gone suddenly. “I wanted to say goodbye properly,” says Koch His coming. “I’m fine,” he said to the pushy inquirers Lanz. “And you?”

In Video: Gottschalk cuddle attacks

Never say never

Yes, how’s Markus Lanz? The man who once in a whole new quota depths led the “longest kids birthday of the world”? Really unhappy he does not look at the end of the broadcast. Why should they? He, at least, the show has brought neither happiness as her. “Arrivederci Lanz,” Michael Bully Herbig intones charming with Otto Waalkes duet, “that was your last dance.”

Was that it? “On churning” and “Dalli Dalli” had also once removed from the program and carried to his grave. Today, the undead are among the TV shows for a long time back. And so one may well be taken literally, of which Otto Bully and sing in her second song of farewell: “… I tell you what / we meet again / You Bet?”

A look at the odds reveals that the final issue was a crowd puller. 9,270,000 people wore “Wetten, dass ..?” With too grave. A proud market share of 32.5 percent. In comparison, the penultimate mission in November only 5.49 million tuned in

To log the show is here


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