In the pale glow of the screen: not everything what looks Florian (Nino Böhlau) on the Internet, his childlike soul can bear
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Almost exactly one year, a remarkable film in theaters, the reminiscent of the new “crime scene” from Munich immediately ran. He was called “Disconnect” and told the example of several figures, how to change the relationships between people through the cultivated type of communication on the Internet. To put this change into the picture, the film showed Henry Alex Rubin of frequently run along the lighted by the mobile phone displays faces of his characters and let in a small box at the bottom of the “conversation” that they just passed by email or SMS. One of these figures was the young Kyle. In other youths, he lived in a decrepit house somewhere in California and came to make ends meet by hired himself on porn sites on the net as a toyboy.
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In Munich “Tatort” (Director: Andreas Senn; Book: Holger Joos) we are now not only with a suspiciously similar case do. But also with an image segmentation, which takes over from those “Disconnect”. Again, we follow the conversations that are conducted in Internet chats, small fields, which slowly fill with text –point errors included
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Mourning Tim Hanna (Anna-Lena Klenke) brings flowers to the Isar
Mourning Tim Hanna (Anna-Lena Klenke) brings flowers to the Isar
The author of this message are the two fourteen-year-old student Florian (with remarkably mature performance Nino Böhlau) and Hannah (Anna-Lena Klenke), the undress in front of her web camera when the customers agreed in return, they to fulfill a wish, say, to buy one of the toys from their wish lists. In this way, growing up in modest circumstances Florian has come into possession of a handsome collection of skateboards and clothes. While Hanna, who lives in begütertem house, the stimulus is more likely in the Forbidden – what a schmollmundig flaunted Gleichgütigkeit to the consequences of their actions miteinschließt naturally
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Steinernes wonder: Leitmayr and Aerobatic find nude photos of a fourteen years old on the victim
Steinernes wonder: Leitmayr and Aerobatic find nude photos on the a fourteen years old victim
Even the death of the third party in their league does not bring you to ponder. Tim, whose unsuspecting parents agonize after his assassination with watching his gathered nude video has been shot on the Isar. Are taking in their research this time much to the colleagues calli (Ferdinand Hofer) instructed the so-modern investigative techniques such as, say – of a suitor, as the two Commissioners Leitmayr (Udo Wachtveitl) and Aerobatic (Miroslav Nemec) for obvious reasons suspect soon the location of a cell phone self-evident go out of hand as his boss. For him, but the young against the graying Commissioners thus voluntarily assume the role of digital literacy. “Do you even know what apps are?” Asks Leitmayr his colleagues once. “With Apps Apps can do,” says Aerobatic, “see?”
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Aerobatic want just prefer to run the way that the alleged perpetrator must have taken an der Isar, very classic, like before. This juxtaposition of elements from the good old “Tatort” time and those which one believes to be guilty of the present, also gives the film as an indecision that makes him weaker than it should be. For where the Commissioners may profess their lack of understanding of leisure of young people carefree, it is sometimes really funny. Where, however, they are trying to show the height, the gap between what they rule on police work, and what they must appear as a challenge, paradoxically increasing. They should award a bit of ridicule. And they both have not really deserve it.
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