Friday, 26/12/2014
The North Korea-satire “The Interview” running despite threats in US cinemas and on the Internet. The joke of the movie is a joke.
© Reuters
A large roll of film art is not just a comedy, without all the political storm would be “The Interview” in the face of fierce competition Christmas more likely perished. But it all depends ago not frequent that a Hollywood dud same for two heads of state, Barack Obama and Kim Jong Un, as much attention is paid before the strip is actually started.
Given such a heated-expectations could brave the comedy, which was surprising at first to see on Wednesday on the Internet portal YouTube, only to disappoint. However, German fans first had to renounce: For now the film is only prosecuted in US power.
Christmas is traditionally the wedding clothes suitable for families cinema. As a rule of thumb that the plots as possible leaked the material may be bulky in any way. And of course, no sex and no strong language. However, the latter shines through “The Interview”. Ongoing issue at this 152-minute film, it is about whether the godlike ruler has ever human digestion. The question is savored and linguistically diverse and unrestrained.
“It was not very funny,” the British “Guardian” true “unless you really love jokes about the genitalia: 25 percent of penis jokes, jokes anus 20 percent, 20 percent sexism” etches the sheet. Much more remains not much left.
But otherwise the directors Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen kept strictly to the rules of Christmas. “You are now entering the most dangerous country in the world,” the film’s true equal a beginning.
The terror of t rash cinema
The Plot: Two hyped up goofy TV journalist (at times strongly played by Seth Rogen and James Franco) want to be especially cool Gag an interview with Kim Jong Un. But the CIA turns on, so that the two assassinate the dictator: a handshake they are the enemy administer the poison. Even the halfway experienced moviegoer suspect we welcherart scenes that will result.
Nothing is omitted: There is the strict communist and uniformed political Commissioner, which of course turns out to be sexhungriges woman. Of course, the dictator’s first such human and tame that even one of the TV types will torpedo the murder plot. And in the end there is a fiery finale: Armoured duel with combat helicopters, and the dictator takes over the flames. Or not, in the event of a continuation or a cinematic peace offering. $ 5.99 cost of not too much fun on th e internet – more you can hardly ask for the price.
Can it really be that the man from Pyongyang actually takes seriously the strip and a hacker brigade mobilized the data steals and terrorist threats spread? It is a mystery how such a harmless film could cause a reaction so diabolical, writes the “New York Times”. One thing is certain: better PR than the hacker attack and terrorist threats coming from North Korea, according to US reading that would have been unthinkable.
The FBI warned against hacker attacks
But you can view the movie as a real attack on the regime in Pyongyang: Rich Klein, the US studios consults regularly with new films, called “The Interview” as “Chernobyl of the digital age”. As the nuclear disaster in 1986, the Soviet leadership as clumsy and immoral bared, the film could dismantle the myth of Kim and undermine the rulers, Klein wrote in the “Washington Post”. Should he be seen by a worldwide audience, it shall become a real challenge to the legality of the existing regime.
Kim Jong Un and Obama have the case actually levied by the State Affair: The Koreans because he feels taken allegedly insulted or on the arm. And Obama because he saw the freedom endangered by the initial withdrawal of Sony Pictures in the US.
The F BI has warned almost a year ago from hacker attacks and the threat of reputational damage and economic losses. The FBI also gave detailed advice on how companies can prepare for such an attack, as appears from a report by the Authority which was published on the website “The Intercept”. However, Sony Pictures, the North Korea-satire “The Interview” produced and destination of a hacker attack was unprecedented, never received the report. (AP)
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