Sunday, January 22, 2017

TV column “the jungle camp”: Kader Loth, the Voluptuous and delivers … – FOCUS Online

TV column on the “jungle camp”: Kader Loth, the Voluptuous and wild bondage delivers game, Markus

Sunday, 22.01.2017, 07:58 · von FOCUS-author Susanne Wittlich

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Second half in the jungle camp. The celebrity squad is still the jungle typical entertainment miss. Since the smallest gaffes need to be moderated to a large outburst.

In the theatre of Shakespeare, it is the fool who tells the truth. In the jungle camp, Hanka Rackwitz. “All sit here and sing ‘Kumbaya my Lord’”, complains. The big quarrel, he leaves to wait. Hanka know in any case: “If the Ball is on the penalty kick, then shoots him, too.” But so this thing doesn’t want to go to the gate. Why this Gemaule about the Team? A short review on the first half:

What has happened so far. It was a bit of a Yawn!

so Far, the camp was in the jungle about as los as in the gebotoxten face of Florian Wess. Nicole Mieth operates so unobtrusively that viewers forget they dial out. Mallorca-Jens whines preferably, about his bad knee. Football world champion Thomas “Icke” Häßler holds flat the Ball. Marc Terenzi zerhäckselt enduring the German language. The severely disturbed Hanka Rackwitz turned out to be surprisingly as a more socially compatible. Even the desperate attempt of the RTL-to bring to pass directed, a little bit of erotic tension to the Camp and to set them up, Gina-Lisa Lohfink with rippers, Honey, literally fell into the water. In this self-proclaimed “famiglia grande” from the remains of the jungle typical interpersonal strife. It is a bit of a Yawn.

What makes the man of the people

“the Three stars are not bearing the brunt of the. There is more to it,” fires Hanka on day nine, the German-American male Duo is made that pulls in the shape of Marc Terenzi and Mallorca, and welcome to the jungle-examination – to catch Stars on the high wire. Since the two slopes and the stars fly in the jungle. Jens is disappointed and cries. At the campfire he Häßler searches for encouragement in the case of Icke, and laments:”My poor children. The are happy when they see the dad. But not so hanging.” And Icke speaks: “The power of the people, can also howl at times. A vigourous tree and still crying.” Jens, clear-sighted: “A Bonsai, or what?” The philosophical duet in the Camp.

What is a non-believer? An Artist, says the squad

After Gina-Lisa and Honey as an erotic factor is dropped, will now be sent cadres and Markus on a treasure hunt. Finally, the squad had already been to the Best, to stand on guys like Markus – on “intellectual, experienced, funny, tummy, and with hair”. The former It-Girl meets almost all expectations, even if you think: “I’ll always underestimated.” You must answer questions and with color balls on the wooden wall-bound Markus throw. When you Throw it, the Voluptuous. Asked about sentences with Alliteration squad: “Alliteration? I’ve never heard of in my life.” Then: “How is called a non-believer?” Squad: “Artists”. Markus corrected: “You mean atheists.” Squad: “it doesn’t matter. The words are also similar.”

Well, the test is passed. When Markus is not to be untied immediately from the wall, he flips out and yells in the direction of the RTL Crew: “You get a display from me. Come on, open!” Finally, an uncontrolled emotional reaction. The moderators Sonja Zietlow and Daniel Hartwich to take this grateful – can’t stop to repeat for the outburst. With the erotic, it is, but then again nothing. Instead, the campers have to years rates, how long will a marriage in Germany: a) 7.8 years, b) of 14.9 and was off with answer a). Again, a penalty that is not transformed.

Real dispute in the Camp? Well

And the announced hits then none. “We finally have the right of dispute in the Camp”, soars Sonja Zietlow. “God is the beautiful, Sonja”, calls Daniel Hartwich. What comes next is the following scene. Häßler accuses Hanka, to have more food taken than any other, namely, six instead of four spoons. Häßler required: “Repeat, please!” The record demonstrates: Hanka drove five Times with the spoon in the pan. “Already forgotten”, decides that the alleged dispute.

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