Tuesday, September 9, 2014

“A Most Wanted Man”: The last movie with Philip Seymour Hoffman – Tagesspiegel

18:46 clock Jan Schulz-Ojala

The drug-related death of Philip Seymour Hoffman in February is unforgettable. Now comes “A Most Wanted Man”, the last movie with the exception actresses, cinema: Anton Corbijn agent thriller based on a novel by John le Carré.

Philip Seymour Hoffman was in early February found dead in his apartment in New York’s Greenwich Village, a heroin needle in the left arm, the horror in the film world was big. First it was the spectacular circumstances of the event. It was not those rare life dramas of extraordinary people whose addiction irritating irrefutable turns into a death wish on the intensity.

It was the painful sudden disappearance of a large, only 46 years old actor. And, almost physically tangible Virtual loss, all the fantastic films that would not now give it, that unborn ideas and figures that Philip Seymour Hoffman was transformed with each new role in something deeply adult.

For half a year after the shocking news of his death Philip Seymour Hoffman is now, because the medium of film makes its protagonists so beneficial immortal, to see in his last starring role – silent in Anton Corbijn’s thriller “A Most Wanted Man”, filmed in Hamburg and Berlin in the autumn of 2012th In November of this year and next Hoffman is part of the cast of two sequels to “The Hunger Games”, a playmaker Plutarch Heavensbee; but since he is, as before with his occasional blockbuster trips, only a minor character in an industrial product, a Hollywood puppet

The German title of the Le Carré template. puppets

“puppets” is, quite aptly, the German title of John le Carré’s 21st novel, “A Most Wanted Man”, based on the factory Corbijn quite faithful adaptation. The agents appeared in 2008 thriller set in a milieu in which each each use for their own purposes, the intelligence, until the political background will lose the suspects and the national and international intelligence in spite of all the competing hierarchies intelligence in misty abstraction. Who thinks to hold the reins, depends itself on the thread; yes, not a single figure in the power braid Corbijn so masterfully ties together cinematically, acts autonomously.

Philip Seymour Hoffman plays Günther Bachmann, the lonely, experienced, disillusioned, taciturn leader of a highly unorthodox departments operating antiterrorist unit of the German secret service; a chain-smoking, whiskey drinker, the after-hours seems to sink in Hamburg dive bars such as the “silver bag” before and yet keeps everything under control. In this last role Hoffman does not look pale, not ready than usual – from neurotic solipsist in Todd Solondz ‘”Happiness” (1998) to the manic human minds Bender in “The Master” (2012). At best, his voice that he always uses laconic, quiet acts hoarse, and his eyes, if it becomes necessary, more disturbingly empty. But that suits the shape of a figure that makes business always as invisible as possible

Hamburg. Graffiti facades and streets full of garbage bags

Bachmann’s new case: climbs in Hamburg bearded Chechen, who calls himself Issa Karpov (Grigori Dobrygin), jumped from a ship, to the banks of the Elbe. He immediately gets into the crosshairs of the still traumatized by the Mohammed Atta Panne surveillance authorities: A second 9/11 may not go out more from German soil. In the dingy precincts of the city, behind facades and graffiti in streets full of black garbage bags, Karpov is taken up by a Turkish family and immediately supported by Annabel Richter (Rachel McAdams), the young lawyer an asylum-help association. He was, as he claims, tortured in Russian and Turkish prisons? Why he seeks contact with a bank, deposited with the millions

in the name of his father? Is he planning a stop? But certainly that! And who are his backers?

Current could the collective paranoia-priming “A Most Wanted Man” hardly. Less because the film starts exactly on September 11, but because of new jihadi arrests, which has just begun Salafist process and peculiar phenomena such as Sharia police the middle east war fever in Germany is always fine measurable. John le Carré might have his plot then found after extensive discussions with the two years imprisoned in Guantánamo Turk Murat Kurnaz. Before the acute ellen background of German arms shipments to the Kurds and the recruitment of fanatical German mercenaries by the IS-terrorist army but acts Corbijn’s film as a sharp of inserted comment: against hysterical Überreagierer, against stupid thing mooring at the wrong time, which is to the detriment of effective educational work merely as Power Men stage from the service.

It could be “A Most Wanted Man” as his contribution to the genre stylistically old-fashioned hard. Far as thematically kindred spectacle of torture in Kathryn Bigelow’s view “Zero Dark Thirty” (2012); rather similarly reduced as Tomas Alfredson’s “Lady King Ace Spy” (2011), and this is one of the many Le Carré-film materials, or so pervasive analytically as Benjamin Heisenberg’s “Sleepers” (2005). Not a single gun is brandished in this film, chases happen at best walk short of breath, and make a movie while driving enough seconds for correct use of seat belts. . Might be that this so explosive-brilliant, seemingly unhurried film brought it therefore in the USA on simple $ 15 million in sales, with American standards mid-hundreds of copy number

Bachmann says: “Arrests are counterproductive”

The mission impossible, the intelligence officer Günther Bachmann devotes itself, remains always exciting enough. In the novel, his credo sounds like this: “Arrests are counterproductive. They destroy a valuable acquisition “In the film, he tried in meetings with superiors nervous by metaphor.” With small fish you catch barracuda, barracuda catches you with sharks “So the cool strategist brings the lawyer Annabel also in its soft power as the. Hamburg-based private bankers and money-laundering Investment Adviser Thomas Brue (Classy: Willem Dafoe) and has always the bigger picture in mind. If only the hollow heads would always just play on the levers of this world is not everywhere Raiders Chess

Unsentimental, pathos, wonderful governed and at the same time full of energy affects “A Most Wanted Man.” – Sexy by the opposite the Roman finely reduced elements up to the pervasive discrete soundtrack of Herbert Grönemeyer (who also plays a role as a mini-Berlin Chief Mufti of the agents). At the quietest and most powerful but in and through all remains: Philip Seymour Hoffman. Speak a beautifully colored German English official in the original version in which Nina Hoss and Daniel Brühl as members of Bachmann’s team, he repeated once the self-understanding of a aspiring CIA agent (Robin Wright) – George W. Bush’s phrase to make the world a better place. As a Lächelgewitter goes over his face, so short and cold and tiny, like it was only a Philip Seymour Hoffman Conjure

On Thursday 13 Berlin cinemas. Cinestar Sony Center (OV); Hackescher Höfe, a new Off, Culture Brewery, Odeon (both OV)


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