Monday, September 29, 2014

Munich Crime Commissioner: Behrendt criticized: “Tatort must not totsparen” – ABC Online

Monday, 29.09.2014, 12:30 · FOCUS-Online-author Marina Antonioni

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For 17 years Klaus J. Behrendt identified as Kölner Commissioner Ballauf in the” crime scene “and one in rankings with colleague Dietmar Bär again and again to the top investigators. The latest case: “True Love”. FOCUS Online Behrendt spoke about the competition at the “crime scene” and love in the digital age

FOCUS Online:. Mr Behrendt, the colleagues in Münster have in the previous week well presented with more than 13 million viewers. Generates the pressure or competition enlivens the business

Klaus J. Behrendt: pressure I would not say. I see it similar to the Bundesliga in the Bundesliga we have 18 teams playing each other. At the “crime scene” we have over 20 teams. And each “scene” team has their fans, as each Bundesliga team has its fans. The Munster beat at the moment very, very good. The 13.13 million viewers, which is a remarkable figure, which is great

FOCUS Online:. If the Münster “Tatort” currently so has the standings: Where do you see the Cologne’s team placed in the “crime scene” -Bundesliga

Behrendt: I would say in the first quarter

FOCUS Online:. What do the Munster colleagues particularly well

Behrendt: They have their style and the audience like this style. Each own team has a different style and therefore justified. And I say now time for colleagues Til Schweiger with bang, boom and Peng. This also has its justification, as well as tens of millions of people look to who like to see this bang, boom and Peng. When the people of Münster it is, I think, the basic structure of the drama, as the films are constructed with their humor, which is currently welcome

FOCUS Online:. critics speak of ” slapstick “-Tatorten. You would not sign

Behrendt: No, what does slapstick? This is simply a style

FOCUS Online:. In the new Cologne case is all about the great theme of love. The film has a critical look at internet dating agencies. How do you see the

Behrendt: We are now times in this age of modern technology. The majority of people in our country is the Internet. And I personally am convinced that every person who lives alone and wants a partner, but has not found it yet, but at some point approaching a portal to so

FOCUS Online.: So it is good that there are these portals

Behrendt: I think it somehow belongs to our company to do so. One must not get stuck in with the rose-colored glasses of course. Because that is present there also people in a way they are not, is clear. And I do not – as it is described in the film – that it is possible to mathematically calculate on certain algorithms, who fits together and who does not. That one could figure out the Slide Rule.

but in the end it does not matter how a man finds his partner. The main thing the two are happy. Whether you partner now met in the classical sense in the marketplace or in a pub or on the internet: If there bottom line is that two people are happy together, does not count all

. FOCUS Online: How did you meet your wife

Behrendt: How much can I say, really classic.


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