Friday, June 24, 2016

Literature: Peace Prize of the book trade for Carolin Emcke – ZEIT ONLINE

Frankfurt / Leipzig (dpa) – The journalist and publicist Carolin Emcke (48) receives this year’s Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. You will awarded for their contribution to social dialogue and peace, the Association of German Publishers and Booksellers announced at its annual general meeting in Leipzig on Friday.

Emcke describe in a very personal and unprotected manner, such as violence, hatred and speechlessness can change people. The prize of EUR 25 000 prize will be awarded for completion of the Frankfurt Book Fair in the cathedral on 23 October in Frankfurt.

Emcke who was born in Mülheim an der Ruhr and in Berlin lives, has worked among others as an editor at the news magazine “Der Spiegel” and as a freelance writer for the “time”. For the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” she writes a weekly column. She has already received numerous awards.

About the Peace Prize was it “so amazed at how happy” Emcke said in an interview the German Press Agency. And the number of previous winners, including Martin Buber, her former teacher Jürgen Habermas or Susan Sontag, make them humble. However, they would have another day for the message desired, she said, referring to the decision of the British to leave the EU. “Now is the time, Europe also to defend against those who undermine it with their nationalism and their resentment.”

In articles and essays Emcke reported for years from crisis and war zones, such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and the Gaza Strip. 2004 was her first book “From the wars – Letters to my friends”. For an essay on the Red Army Faction, also known as the template for her book “Silent Violence. Reflecting on the RAF” (2008) was, she was awarded the Theodor Wolff Prize. Much attention was given her essay “What we desire” (2012), in which they dealt with the discovery of their own homosexuality.

With analytic empathy Emcke appeal to the ability of all stakeholders to regain understanding and exchange, according to the assessment of the Booksellers Association. Her work will therefore often no longer permit a model for social action in a time of political, religious and cultural conflicts dialogue. “It proves that it is possible, and her work reminds us that we have to face this problem.”

The S. Fischer Verlag tribute Emcke as “intellectual exceptional figure in Germany”. In their thinking and writing them clubs theoretical reflection with intuition and practice than anyone else, it said in a statement. The violence put Emcke language contrary. Her works since 2004 appear reportedly S. Fischer.

The tip of the Greens congratulated Emcke at the price. “She made it in their journalism and their literary work again and again to make the invisible visible and those who are not heard, to be heard. We need it”, the National Chairman Peter Simone and Cem Özdemir said loud message.

Emcke is only the ninth woman getting the contracts awarded since 1950 price. Awards will be according to the statute personalities “who contributed mainly to an outstanding degree by its activities in the fields of literature, science and art to realize the idea of ​​peace” have.


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