Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Folk Theater Center for Political Beauty: First comes the morality – Tagesspiegel

Two existential questions occupy the theater in Berlin. The first sounds after Sommerloch: to refugees throwing wild tigers even before to be eaten? The second is no less serious: If the Volksbühne, as it represents an open letter from the house, swallowed by a representative of the “global popular culture of consensus”? The thing with the big cats, people have come up from the “Center for Political Beauty”. They protest in a spectacular way possible against the federal government, which, so to say, the action artist, forcing refugees to illegal and dangerous tug routes. If does not change this policy, volunteers go into the tiger cage and … well, good appetite!

The Senate would have the hot iron Volksbühne better not touch

Is this really art ? Is not that terribly tasteless and forbidden? What exactly does the animal welfare? But apart from the fact it can be stated: It is in the broader sense to political theater, agitprop, the Tigers are to marvel at the Maxim Gorki Theater. The stage supports something pungent happening that Gorki is currently anyway premier source for uniquely political theater in the capital.
Formerly the Volksbühne. Now she is considered the hottest cultural policy iron. The Senate might better not touch. After the contract was not renewed with director Frank Castorf and announced to the multimedia curator Chris Dercon a successor, there are serious ideological battles in the capital. They reflect the development of Berlin. The fat arm-but-sexy-years are over.
Castorf Sechsstünder tire the clientele. Here the now historic Rank Volksbühne remains undisputed. So a theater – form and meaning of life, eternal rebellion and youth included – there is no second time. Because Frank Castorf, for 24 years chef at Rosa-Luxembourg-Platz, always had other directors beside him. What will become of René Pollesch or Herbert Fritsch? Where is her place now?

Wagenburg am Rosa-Luxembourg-Platz

The open letter from the Volksbühne radiates no open mind. He insists on the status quo. As a consequence of the withdrawal Dercon is required before he competes in the fall 2017th Dercon should stay where he is in London. This also calls for Claus Peymann in another open letter. The director of the Berliner Ensemble, once Castorf favorite enemy and vice versa, is backing the workforce Volksbühne. If as in the letter in fact a majority of the house employees speak. Spokesman is the old story editor Recke Carl Hegemann, who has returned to the Volksbühne to talk fracture, the last fight.
One thinks of Cuba, to corral, to a famous Gallic village. All Berlin gentrified? But was the Volksbühne not even a motor of change, it has not Gentrifizierungskräfte tightened with their cool design? Is not it logical that now comes a as Dercon? Sadly, the new already disappointed. He does not know the city. He underestimated the resistance, the peculiarities of theater operations. This also applies to those responsible in the Senate. Such a major change has to be prepared.
Whether cat or animal, whether rug or stuffed: It’s a sad Tiger State Theatre.


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