Wednesday, June 22, 2016

“The Neon Demon” by Nicolas Winding Refn: film start, trailer, cinema criticism – THE WORLD

The film “The Neon Demon”, you can hear whispering, is an analysis of our always obsessiveren quest for beauty. Construct greatest beauty in order to deconstruct schlimmstmöglich. Nicolas Winding Refn, the director, is the new Lars von Trier. And besides, the new Quentin Tarantino.

Sounds risky. Most have never heard from Danes NWR and could not even tell where his first name and his surname ceases begins. This can at least be clarified quickly: His mother is Vibeke Winding, a photographer, his father Anders Refn, who has cut a half dozen films for Lars von Trier

This is the story of a child prodigy, always saw himself forced into the shadows of an enfant terrible. 1995 – Winding Refn was 25 – had just taken him to the Danish Film School, for which most of an arm were sacrificed. Nic abandoned his studies before it really began, and turned rather “Pusher” on Dealer in Copenhagen, one of the wildest and fiercest debuts of all time.

Director’s Award for “Drive” and a invitation to Cannes

The headlines stole another, Lars von Trier with the “dogma” manifesto. And during a reveling in HIV-horror ( “Bleeders”), his US debut set completely in the sand ( “Fear”) and the debt it abzahlte ( “Pusher 2 & 3″), the other did well in the . what is not in the moment itself – role of the reigning sun king of auteur cinema

Then, 2011 in Cannes, a happening of those moments in which reversed power relations it becomes clear only much later. Von Trier crack at a press conference one of his weird jokes ( “I am a Nazi”) and is still a persona non grata. Winding Refn won the best director award for “Drive” and for each subsequent film invited to Cannes: “All the people who have always made fun of me, they no longer laugh I am no longer the ugly duckling I am a.. Schwan become. “

Mads Mikkelsen was thanks Winding Refn a film star, by” Pusher “Winding Refn again thanks Ryan Gosling to star director, with” Drive ” and “Only God Forgives”. Gosling looked for the creative madness that no longer exists in Hollywood, and recognized in the Dane. With Winding Refn one could exclusively about the cinema talk Mikkelsen once said, and with him only about sports, so they had no contact privately. In “Bleeders” Mikkelsen has played a film-crazy Videothekar, a Tarantino-types; the nerd who tries to impress girls, but was mainly a self-portrait Winding Refn.

Movies of Nicolas Winding Refn are energy storage

His “Drive” with Gosling as a getaway driver is a big city Western, “Only God Forgives” with Gosling as boxing coach a revenge-Eastern and “the Neon Demon” with Elle Fanning as karrieregeilem model a horror film in the eternal sunshine of LA. Tarantino and Winding Refn are both children of genre cinema, but while American austestet its boundaries, but essentially leaves intact, the Dane is only satisfied when he pulverized it, far above it overshoots.

Gosling told, Winding Refn wear when rotating a blanket around his waist, “that does not escape his energy”, and indeed his films energy storage for fever dreams. There is the manic energy of the discoverer.

Winding Refn is eight times rattled by the driving test and rotates one of the fastest car films, he has no idea of ​​Los Angeles and sets it in beguiling scene. Winding Refn is one of these transatlantic hybrid, admire the American cinema and yet their European roots can not be denied and must, otherwise they would be just another Hollywood clone. His heroes undergo transformations, they become supernovae: they glow and have to go out but they know about their fate and accept it – even if the supermodel in “The Neon Demon” should not have expected it to be eaten


New movie “the Neon Demon” repels and fascinates

“the Neon Demon” is the culmination of the Winding- Refnismus, which also repels most viewers and fascinated. Each of his paintings is so cleverly composed that one can hardly look away. Or should we call it clever? Or aalglatt?

The technique with which he staged the beauty in the fashion world of Los Angeles, is not much different from the strategy with which the world of fashion beauty sets the scene. Since no distance, no criticism, only a self-indulgence in one’s own abilities, which borders on masturbation.

Each Winding Refn one sees on the hope audiences may be provoked. Heretofore, the baits in excessive force, as the defeated to Klump Gosling Face in “Only God Forgives”. In “Demon” the Master <"prefix_1" h2 class => Amazon drives the bloodless beauty of Models for rigor mortis ahead and tried to make us bodies as objects of desire tasty.

financed “The Neon Demon” with

the provocation of a splatter cinema that would be art cinema simultaneously but pushes into the void, because the dominance of style will covers any residues of substance; the loss of meaning in Winding-Refn movies is almost totally at least since his Viking drama “Valhalla Rising”.

And no, the annoyance, grabbing a is, no indication that Winding Refn would look deep soul in the audience and decouvrieren a denied kinship.

Nicolas Winding Refn is not von Trier and no Tarantino. But the “Bleeders” -Videothekar must now stick the label “cool”. “He has a plan”, explains him Ryan Gosling, “although he is very good at creating the impression that he had not.” He is now so hip that even Amazon has financed his “The Neon Demon”. He has left the Copenhagen dollhouse world behind and acting on the world stage.


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