Sunday, June 26, 2016

Movie: Götz George: multitalented actor, Macho, intellectuals – ABC Online

Monday , 06.27.2016, 00:38
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He was the eternal Schimanski – and yet Götz George was so much more. The role of the rough-”Tatort” -Kommissars haunted him for decades. But George was indisputably one of the greatest German actors.

Götz George loved to be himself. Own, sometimes gruff and often uncomfortable, he met his counterpart. Whether it be film and television journalists, fans and colleagues

Shortly before his 75th birthday -. Almost three years ago – there were so one of these special-George moments of casualness. When seeing the movie “George” presented in Berlin about his father Henry, he was indeed ask podium, blared from the bent-nighters but every question mercilessly. She was placed incorrectly, this he could not say anything at all and it was not the right person. Point and thud.

Götz George was allowed that it had at times even. Perhaps it was his destiny. The multitalented actor used always his image as a roughneck – and the audience loved him for it. Of course, who was for 32 years with abgewetztem Parka as Ruhrpott commissioner Horst Schimanski front of the camera had to be easy and as often as possible to say “shit” a crass type. So one can forgive that.

With the broken daredevils from Duisburg Berlin-born George wrote television history. Unlike the distinguished, serene men, identified in German Cops before and beside him, he played first time in 1981 a brash cop who goes with casual comments, hard fights and plenty of beer on a manhunt. “What do you quatschst me so daft, you philistines, just because I ‘ne flag?”, His opponent snapped the attractive Commissioner at once.

29 “Schimmi” episodes ran 1981-1991 in part of the ARD crime series “Tatort”. Twice he had seen in the movies and 1997 dedicated the first of his successful hero own series with the cult Logo “Schimanski”. He was indeed now retired and had a gear connected, but still a street sweeper. Only the first episode “The squadron” saw almost 13 million people. In 2013 deadline was then so, after 48 episodes.

Nevertheless, George has never liked Never push in the drawer Crime. With ambition, enthusiasm and incredible vitality he made his mark in his long career as one of the most versatile German actor.

He played the concentration camp doctor Josef Mengele ( “Nothing but the Truth”) and one suffering from Alzheimer’s driver ( “My father”), a pickpocket ( “The Trio”) and a blind piano teacher ( “The November man”), an eco-activists ( “Lie on, darling”) and a moribund prosecutor ( “night without morning”).

One of his most famous roles he had as a gay serial killer Fritz Haarmann in “the Deathmaker” which opened the Venice film Festival 1995th He also proved in satires as “schtonk!” Or “Rossini” also his comedic talent. In 2007 he was honored for his life’s work with the German Television Award in 2014, he received the Order of Merit.

Only “George”, the film about his legendary, because of his career in the Nazi era but also controversial actor-father Henry George (1893-1946), but made it clear how much of the son was life marked by the “godfather” – and driven

“you’ve just always overtaken me.. You were just always better, obsessed, “George said in an ARD documentary on the occasion of his 75th birthday in 2013, to the address of his dead father. From the favorite role of the father, Goethe’s “Götz von Berlichingen”, he had incidentally also his first name.

The small idol is eight years old when his father died in Soviet captivity. For him and the older brother Jan’s mother Berta Drews is the central caregiver. Even an actress, she wakes in her “Putzi”, as she calls the son until the day she died, the love of the theater. With eleven he is for the first time on stage, at 15 he has alongside Romy Schneider his first film appearance in the romance “When the White Lilacs Bloom Again”.

40 leading roles on stage and 120 films, TV shows follow – from the Karl May adventures in the 1960s to the ARD crime drama “bad Weather,” which has not yet aired. His physical and mental presence, his versatility and his roles earned him always a good reviews. “I have the figures inhale, otherwise you can not say it, I inhale, without thinking about it intellectually,” he revealed once

The media had George despite his success a tense relationship. television, he accused time to look “only on coal and rate”. Legendary “Wetten, dass ..?” His Zoff with Thomas Gottschalk’s TV broadcast in 1998. The 1a-Mime threw the 1a-Moderator ignorance ago and described him as a “schoolmaster”, the audience booed. Genuine emotions or staging? Almost no matter in any case it was pure George. Although five years later a highly effective reconciliation was, Georges criticism was quite serious.

He was charged in Germany only to work and taxes, as he once said. Otherwise, he retired with his more than 20 years his junior partner Marika Ullrich in his refuge in Sardinia back. Headlines made a terrible swimming accident in 1996 and heart surgery of 2007.

Two years ago, announced George, he wanted to largely withdraw from the film business. “I would like to 65 busy years Feierabend make,” said the then 76-year-old the “Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung”. It was just too much stress. So he went to the public rar, turned only slightly, filling yourself a wish: “On the stage, as it always is with actors, I will not surely die.” Götz George died on June 19 at the age of 77 years.


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