Monday, June 27, 2016

Götz George in “Tatort”: Schimanski, the Ruhr, my family and I – SPIEGEL ONLINE

I was too young to experience the first Schimanski- “Tatort” live. At that time, on 28 June 1981 looked as Schimmi from his window on a dreary steelworks backdrop, two raw eggs for breakfast hit the glass and soon the first time “Shit!” bellowed. As he beat, drank and otherwise whistled at all what was expected of TV commissioners

The TV Nation wavered between consternation and disgust, the city of Duisburg was appalled – by because this spot Ruhr itself had the makers. Director Hajo Gies chosen as a venue, Götz George with his rough-virile charm and his bright blue eyes as the lead actor. The title of the first episode was simply “Duisburg-Ruhrort”.

Later, I sat as Duisburg in Schimmi Sundays course always watching TV. Specifically: I was. Our family had a strict sitting and lying fine. My father – in classic Eighties leisure dress made of fine rib Vest, sweatpants and leather slippers – lay half on one couch, had his feet on the next and was smoking cigar without losing a crumb ashes. My mother sat next to my sister in the chair diagonally to the TV. I as a last-born was close to the screen, the bed wall as headrest.

Look, the tram 901!

Götz George is just at the age of 77 died years – a few days before the 35th anniversary of his “scene” premiere. For Duisburg Schimanski was duty from the beginning was the thriller with Schimmi a true television event. In pabulum today almost does not matter who’s there just determined, there are already too many teams. At that time it has enjoyed for days: Schimanski coming! Lack “Tatort” -Schnellcheck little was known about the episode, but the main thing Schimmi was there, and it played in Duisburg.

So feverish our family, hoping to identify the locations. This street corner, that’s not Bruckhausen? Look, the tram 901 – and over the bridge we’re finally driven by car! Rarely were Duisburg beautiful sites to see, to the chagrin of local politicians and press.

But honestly: Which Way was beautiful sites in Duisburg eighties? Now I’m not with the Six Lakes plate. At that time dominated uniform gray streets, and everywhere peered in the background, a cooling tower or a blast furnace out, even if the pit closures was long in full swing

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Mining ( “Pütt”) or Thyssen which were Duisburg employer. My sister and I went twice a week to doctor Niklas to “inhale”, our bronchi adjourned not good with the nearby Thyssen-Hütte. The beauty of the bronchial problem: In the summer we used to go to the sea – I thank my parents until now. My father was a technician and design engineer at Babcock in Oberhausen, where my sister later her teaching made as a technical designer; The company was later badly shaken and bruised

After the strikes peaked at Krupp in Rheinhausen, attacked the episode “The pot” the labor dispute. even Rio Reiser sang and played with. Killer search was only incidental. So it was always at Schimanski: He should show the great times that you can not jump around so us little. Schimmi was one of us, not just the smartest, a belly man through and through, the heart in the right place, often in the corner bar, in case of doubt more fist attached as the discourse. “Where we were approaching, we were celebrated. Even in the puffs of Duisburg,” he said in a SPIEGEL ONLINE interview.

Once my mother “Tatort” was -Statistin

An adolescent forced from the respect. A little we wanted to be as Schimmi when we make bell males, China firecrackers tossed into the tram or there playing football, was wos actually forbidden and us the people would always scare on their balconies.

There was also the one or the other on a balcony, the times just sent us to the cigarette or beer Get a Mark reward. One mark! What therefore could buy everything! Ten water ice or a huge bag full of sour cucumbers or Salmiakkugeln or effervescent chunks. And at the Bude nobody asked for the card when a ten year old cigarettes or beer brought. They knew each halt

The roughneck with the gray military jacket, the pedants with the mustache and the Dutch -. The trio was also known very well. Götz George as Schimanski and Eberhard Feik in the role of his fussy colleague Thanner be chosen today in surveys often become the most popular “Tatort” -Gespann ever. And Chiem van Houweninge who played “Johnny” as well as some of the best screenplays wrote was indispensable sidekick. But what the hell had a Dutchman lost in a Duisburg Commissariat? Regardless, his explanation in the episode “Moltke”, as celebrate the Dutch Christmas, one of the most wonderful moments of Schimanski era.

In general, “Moltke”! My eternal favorite episode. Never Schimanski was exciting, atmospherically dense or humorous. How many strong consequences there will be forgotten anyway: the classic “Duisburg-Ruhrort” on “The invisible enemy”, “Wake”, “child friendly” and “The pot” to “Friends” or “Black Weekend”

Note that since played with my mother, 50 marks she got as an extra day. Once it has been pushed back by onlookers by a police officer; once she ran across a field. The beige trench coat from this scene is still hanging right at her in the closet. The own mother in a Schimanski- “Tatort” by Dominik Graf -. Which makes certain circles already Impression

More Eighties not going

made the finish Schimanski, included films, after 29 episodes. And what a: At the end of “The Fall Schimanski” he sails with the dragon over Duisburg backdrop, to roars Bonnie Tyler “Against the Wind”, and the service Haudrauf yells one last “shit”. Although the final 1991 ran more eighties does not go – only now the decade was really over

And what of Schimmi- “Tatort” has produced music: next to Bonnie Tyler about Chris Norman ( “Midnight Lady. “), Klaus location (” fist to fist “) or Bolland & amp; Bolland ( “Tears of Ice”), who also produced Falco’s “Rock Me Amadeus”. Dieter Bohlen made the music for “Moltke” and took to a supporting role. Even having the series survived

ARD-trailer:. Schimanskis return (series from ’97 DVD Edition)

Schimanski came 1997. with the same series, there were also good results here. But above all, blowing the breath of nostalgia, not only in Schimmis car. And for reasons of cost was filmed mostly in Cologne, most times a scene in Duisburg-Ruhrort. Where I spent five years later my life and where today always occupied “Schimmi tours” offered, with or without sausage.

After 1992 failed a Juso request to designate the Duisburg university after Schimmi, there since 2014 at least one-Horst Schimanski alley in Ruhrort. A touch of “Tatort” So still blows through the streets. And one can imagine a little how it was, at that time 35 years ago, for the first time when he “Shit!” shouted.


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