Friday, June 12, 2015

“Who reaps wind sows storm”: Thus, the Bremen “Tatort” on Sunday – Abendzeitung Munich

How much dirt behind green energy – the Bremen “Tatort” on Sunday is likely to polarize and like one or the other eco-advocates quite shake. Whether switching is worthwhile, can be found here

The Bremer! “Tatort: ​​Who reaps wind sows storm” on Sunday (20:15 clock in the First) flaunts a sensitive topic. A story for fans that the “crime scene” like like with a difference. Classic “Whodunit” -Ratespiel does not stand in the foreground and is also not so easy at the partially confusing constellation of actors.

Henrik Paulsen (Helmut Allium) has dedicated his life to protect the environment. The “crime scene” starts with his appeal to the world and its clear no to wind power. It is located in the North Sea, on a wind turbine in the offshore wind farm of his former pals and co-activist Lars Overbeck (Thomas Heinze). “Out here, there is no green electricity. This is where the power is blood red,” he said fervently and collects dead birds from the “bird shredding” (windmills) have been recorded. Shortly afterwards is his best friend, just as environmental activist, was found dead in the chest with three shots, and suddenly there is no trace of Paulsen …

The Bremer Commissioners Inga Lürsen (Sabine Postel) and Stedefreund (Oliver Mommsen) caught in a conflict of interests between environmentalists and entrepreneurs. Idealism strikes capitalism and because it crashes known to most.

worth switching?

Yes. Co-screenwriter and Grimme Award winner Wilfried Huisman made already in 2011 with his documentary “The pact with the Panda: What are the WWF conceal” and his “black book WWF” sensation. In it, he accuses the Foundation before green indulgences. The so-called “greenwashing” also attacks the “crime scene”, and based on further research of Huisman in the wind power sector. “Who reaps wind sows storm” is therefore not a typical “crime scene”, but portrays a tragic irony. The environmental damage of green energy

A lot of pathos and something fanaticism

The fact that the subject deserves attention, there is no question but unfortunately the conservationist cause fanatical and exaggerated over. Things like the sonorous titles and phrases such as “Only those who swim against the current, reaches the source” indicate pithy pathos. But super successful is the representation of the conflict of interest of all parties concerned. Especially convinces Rafael Stachowiak as greasy “Nordsee-Claim broker” Milan Berger.


“He who reaps wind sows storm” is a “scene” with added value. This film explores a social, real topic and packed it in the thriller Sunday Format -. Entertaining and educational at the same time


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