Friday, June 12, 2015

Chris Pratt in “Jurassic World” – Dances with T-Rex – STERN

2 014 Chris Pratt was represented at Hollywood’s most successful films of the year: “The Lego Movie” and “Guardians of the Galaxy”. In the first one could admire his lumberjack laughter, in his second Lumberjack body and be damn good action comedy timing. Now Pratt makes even the fourth infusion of “Jurassic Park” to a feel-good movie. The handshake is firm, puts the laughter in private by trees. He seems to feel safe. Attack.

Mister Pratt, why does a weapon, beer and natural amorous guy from Minnesota to be an actor? Is not that how ballet dancing?
Oh ha. A bit already. I know what you mean. I owe all this to my brother. I wanted to be like my brother. Everything he did, I wanted to do. He was Ringer? I was Ringer. He knew what’s cool, I did not. He knew how to combine clothes, I do not. I honestly worn his clothes – a day after he

And as he found the right.?. Until I came to the same school as him. I’m three years younger, and he said “You must therefore stop now, otherwise they laugh at you.” He was always so very supportive. I got to hang out with him and his friends and make them laugh. That’s what I loved. And I see him acting when he was in second grade. He had a solo in a musical, and my mother was in the audience and wept. And I thought, that’s the coolest thing you can do:. Stand on a stage and play

So you wanted to bring your mother cry Exactly! Good tears. (Laughs) From then on, whenever decency a play, I signed up. I want, I want, I want. This ballet feeling did not exist. Although I come from this town full of hunters, loggers, weapons enthusiasts and Ringer. I knew that if someone thinks it would be wrong to want to be an actor, he would be wrong.

You really never wanted to be loggers or hunters?
No. I wanted to join the army because my brother did it. But when he returned, he told me that this would be nothing for me. “But you’re not done. I know you think you want that. But that’s not so,” he said. You know, we never had much money, the university was not an option. But in our school, there was a recruiter who has addressed a: You want to university? You like camping, motorbikes and weapons? Come have in the army!

And now you are raptors Whisperer and are considered new Harrison Ford, how do you top that?
I no idea if I can do that (laughs)

How do you actually stay with all the excitement on the ground?
Oh, I do not , Just kidding. I have a child and a woman and all my friends from the past, when I was a small child. Should I exaggerate ever, the show me all, where it’s at. But I also believe, the first important step is that it is yourself wichtg to keep your ego in check.

You have 15 years of work behind him and were repeatedly about to create it. But then you have been rejected both as Captain Kirk (“Star Trek”) as well as Jake Sully (“Avatar”). How do you stay motivated because actually?
There’s no question, acting (or any art, in which one exposes himself) is a tough job, and you experience a lot of rejection. But that’s just. I remember the audition for these films and many others that I did not get. But the disappointment has never lasted very long. I’m just too ambitious. I’ve always believed in myself.

The glass is always half full?
Absolutely, I am always optimistic. I knew – apropos ego in check (laughs) – that they were wrong. And I knew I did not give in those moments everything I can. I never thought that something is wrong with me, but that I can do better.

Where this strong self-confidence come from?
Probably no matter what we’ve done by my mother that her children loved infinitely. She was always proud of all their children, no matter what was how big or small our success.

You are the youngest?
Yes, the Small. And my father was pretty strict. A tough guy of the old school. Therefore, I have the thick skin. And that’s a very good combination for someone who wants to be an actor.

What’s the next target? A deeply sad drama?
(laughs loudly) I do not know if I can do that! So I would and the audience take me but something that I speak … I’ve written a lot lately, I’d really like to direct.

Or Indiana Jones be?
That would be pretty cool.

Do you have any role models?
Jim Carrey, Chris Farley, Saturday Night Live, Wayne Brothers, Mike Myers, Chris Rock, Louis CK, Seinfeld …

You have a lot of Jim Carrey imitating.
For years mimics , By the way I have always developed my own style. Even my defense mechanism to let people think that I am totally stupid. As an actor, I have this ability to see someone in the eyes and pretend I did not understand what he is talking.

Why did you want that people know you consider stupid?
Because it’s an advantage to be underestimated. If you hang the bar low, you get definitely over it! (Laughs)

You once said that you have experienced in your career, things always coming to him.
Until the door was open , and then I entered the shit part.

Do you believe in destiny, you are religious?
Both. I believe in divine intervention. I guess I’m destined to be in Hollywood. There is no other life than this, but if there is another life, I would nevertheless ended up in Hollywood. About Youtube or other online videos I would have found my way. I’m just too ambitious, too much intended. It had to happen.

What makes you really mad?
If people keep kindness for weakness. If people do not keep their word. If people do not deliver what they promise. That makes my blood boil.


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