Friday, June 12, 2015

Summer Jungle Camp: Costa Cordalis is confident of victory: “I could certainly … – ABC Online

Friday, 12.06.2015, 18:24
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He won the first season of the jungle camps, now he ventures again into the lion’s den. Costa Cordalis participates in the Summer Jungle Camp in 2015. A second time to become king, would carry him well into the jungle-Olympus. If it works? Compared to ABC Online, the Greeks are in any case confident of victory.

As of July 31, it’s time. Then it does not say “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here”, but “let me in there.” Only those who can prevail in games of skill and a kind of scavenger hunt through German cities against two other candidates of his squadron, may 2016 back in the Australian jungle. Although by audience voting. But is popular of which does a lot.

Just as Costa Cordalis, the first king of the jungle in 2004. In fact, he won percentage as many stars as no other campers. 91 percent of the possible stars. And also in the summer camp he is sure that he will go far, as he reveals in an interview with FOCUS Online. “I could certainly win again. . I’m doing such tasks with ease “

What are two ex-Mitcampern he will take him this is not really matter, he is looking forward to the show:” They are all love and nice people. I’ve got no preferred candidate. My preferred candidate is Australia. I yearn for the jungle. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. “

Apparently Costa in 2004 lost his heart to the jungle and can not land there soon enough. Already last year he told the Bild newspaper that he necessarily wants to return and compete there against the other jungle kings.

After all, he now has the chance to return again to his beloved Australia. “It’s such a heavenly beautiful place. To get there I have to master this show. But I am looking forward. This is a great experience. “
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