Monday, June 15, 2015

Wer wird Millionär? Günther Jauch-candidate fails on the first question – RP ONLINE

Tanja foot and Christina Werth were both in on Monday evening broadcast on RTL broadcast from “Millionaire?” to guest. That it should be but almost Been with the similarities between the two ladies. While the one value, 500,000 euros went home, got the other penny.

feet had to answer a 50-euro question to start. “Since time immemorial, most … A) Dobermans, B) Cocker Spaniels, C) Sheepdogs, D) Giant Schnauzer.” Instead of answer C) to decide that most German Shepherds to guard their sheep, became the 20-year-old to the absolute wrong track – and even Günther Jauch could not save the fashion student. She was of the opinion that most giant Schnauzer. Twice prodded the Moderator if she definitely D) would take. The student could not be taught despite short nervousness and logged the wrong way in.

After Jauch still on the record-candidate (never was someone after 45 seconds out) had amused cleared feet above the motives their participation on. “My friend Andreas wanted to take part and I am also advertised as support for fun and am there for just become,” she told the newspaper “Bild”. That they won a penny, she was no longer angry because. “It was a great experience and I have won the hearts of the audience.” The first prize they’ve already: her boyfriend

“Millionaire?” – These candidates came for the Million PHOTO: RTL

Much farther than the first question came before the candidate Christina Werth. They played until the question to one million euros, but irritated the audience a bit, especially in the penultimate question. After the 125,000-euro question (“What’s 91 meters high and has the inscription October 18, 1913?” – Correct answer: the Völkerschlachtdenkmal in Leipzig) with the help of 50: had 50 Jokers answered correctly, she was interviewed, where you could find a glabella. Your answer options: A) in Duckburg, B) on a sheet, C) on a glacier or D) between the eyebrows.

Werth asked the audience initially respond only if one is to really make sure that you would know the answer. This advice, however, did not follow all the less than 20 candidates who had voted: 45 percent voted for the correct answer D), 55 percent for the other three options. After the candidate wanted to check with their phone-Joker, but could only guess they gambled – and was right

Without Joker she guessed in a million-question, however, quickly realize that they would rather give up. than 500 euros to go home. The question: “When thousands Wessel men can be seen, this is a sure sign that soon …” The response options: “A) rearing a thunderstorm, B) Christmas is, C) is selected or D) of the Pope comes to visit. ” Werth tended more to Christmas, was cleared after her withdrawal and the profit of 500,000 euros that answer C) would have been right.

The concept of “Wessel Men” goes back to the advertising agency Wesselmann. Which has a far-reaching monopoly on the 3.70 × 2.90 meters large screens that are placed in front of elections in Germany. Werth, who embraced subsequently omitted Jauch wants to invest the money for training her 15 month old daughter – and her husband buy a nose hair trimmer

Are you a. “Millionaire?” – Expert? Test your knowledge in our quiz

Source: spol

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