Tuesday, June 16, 2015

“Millionaire” premiere in Jauch: Very first question answered incorrectly – ABC Online

Tuesday, 06.16.2015, 09:24
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For the first time in the history of RTL-show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” according to the transmitter information is kicked out at the very first question a guest. Such a thing has never happened before. But the young Stundenti took it with humor and found themselves on their retirement something good -. Something that weighs more than any profit

A 20-year-old student from Aachen failed in Günther Jauch within 45 seconds and drove with zero euros and four unused jokers home -. Such a thing has never relented RTL details of Monday evening in the fifteen years since the establishment of the quota Renner

“I have my prize already: my friend “

” bad luck in the game and lucky in love “- so the 20-year-old commented from their fast. Actually had her boyfriend Andreas want to join the broadcast rate – they even had jokingly also applied only “to support” and was then selected. “It was a great experience and I have won the hearts of the audience and not a million,” said the student. “But the main prize, I’ve already my friend.” In the program, the candidate had said. “Quick but nice and I am with this new experience”

Millions of television viewers the woman was made Aachen confronted with the following 50-euro question: “have always had the most …?” A: Dobermans, B: Cocker Spaniels, C: Shepherds, D: Giant Schnauzer “(correct answer C: Shepherds).

“Seriously? “Candidate:” Yes, you say it “Günther Jauch:” Yes Oh, God “

Then, the candidate said:” I would have just said “Giant Schnauzer” “Günther Jauch”.?! ? Definitely “candidate:” Yes, there are mustaches “Günther Jauch:”. Most Giant Schnauzer have? Since time immemorial, “candidate”? Make me now do not be afraid. “Günther Jauch:” No, afraid I can no longer do. . I can now only spread terror “Then the moderator broke up:” Since time immemorial, most German Shepherds “candidate”. Seriously? Oh, God! “

Unusual appearances at” Millionaire? “

  • Football Expert Waldemar Hartmann disgraced 2013 as a telephone joker in a Celebrity edition of the game show: When asked, “Which soccer nation was in the previous 19 World Cups never win the title in their own country?” (A: Brazil B: Germany, C: Argentina and D: France), he responded with “Germany” , Correct was Brazil. Moderator Jauch prevents the prominent candidate, Lena Gercke and Guido Maria Kretschmer, fall for the wrong tip.
  • candidate Heike Schulz in 2008 probably excited at her appearance a little. They confused the chairs, sits down on the moderator course and noticed it not initially. Jauch takes on the candidate’s chair and asks her out. Schulz manages up to 8000 euros.
  • The most casual Millions winner is probably cafe owner Ralf Schnoor . The Hanover in 2010 to the end even his phone Joker. The answer to the million-question he knows himself, calling his Joker but on anyway to chat a bit.
  • Anyone who has taken on the rate’s chair, a second time may ran more. Reinhold S. wins 2006 Although 64,000 euros, will be disqualified, as it comes out that he has three years earlier participated under false names -. because it won only 500 euros
  • 2005 to see the audience suddenly twice: Candidate Andreas Scholz from Dresden appears to events as Günther Jauch-double. To make it to the show, he had applied for three years. In the tenth question he fails and falls to 500 euros.
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