Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Harry Rowohlt is dead: Writer Rowohlt died with 70 years – ABC Online

Updated on Tuesday, 06.16.2015, 12:03
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After a long serious illness died of the writer and translator Harry Rowohlt. He died at the age of 70 years at home in Hamburg. Rowohlt was multitalented. He was a translator of many books from English, reader, writer and actor.

The writer and translator Harry Rowohlt is dead. He died on Monday evening after a long, serious illness at the age of 70 in Hamburg. This was confirmed by his agent Ertu Eren the German Press Agency on Tuesday. Rowohlt died at home.

He was regarded as all-rounder, was translator of many books from English, reader, author, original, ambassador of Irish whiskeys and 20 years of “bum” from definitives “Lindenstraße” , Its hallmarks were the unruly mane and impressive beard.

readings with much wine and whiskey

He inherited 49 percent of the publishing house of his father Ernst Rowohlt, but did not want to enter there. His father had gone bankrupt five times. He was glad to have occurred in the publishing house, “because this tradition I would have revived the first”. He and his brother sold the publishing house in the early 1980s to the Holtzbrinck Group. Who asked Harry Rowohlt naive if he has something to do with the same publishing house, had bad cards. Previously, the questioner had to donate even five marks to a charitable organization.

Also legendary are Harry Rowohlt readings. Often they lasted five hours or more, the consumption was then before a bottle of Irish whiskey or two bottles of wine. Eventually the doctor diagnosed him with polyneuropathy, a nerve disease. Alcohol was henceforth taboo. Because he had but then so tightly pulled its “Ethanol leave”, had allowed him the doctor thereafter to give four times a year the edge.

As a translator became famous

was mainly Harry Rowohlt but known for his translations and famous. He has helped not only “Winnie the Pooh” to new success. Especially it had done to him, the Irish. As a favorite author he called often Flann O’Brien. Not least for the title “Ambassador of Irish whiskey”, he was awarded.

To the 200 books Harry Rowohlt translated since 1969. In the scene was argued repeatedly about the freedom that the idiosyncratic Rowohlt To Translate took. For such concerns he had only scorn. “Harry Rowohlt was the first translator, who has appeared on the cover of a book,” says the translator Ruth Keen. “Because he’s so good, so awesome, he has freedoms which do not have any other. In a time when translators were best known in the small print, it has ever shown me, how important are translators “

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