Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sarah and Pietro: How to prepare for the birth before – ABC Online

Tuesday, 06.16.2015, 10:45
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It’s almost time: Sarah and Pietro are for the first time parents. “We want to in any case a natural birth,” the expectant mom reveals in an interview with news spot on. And for Pietro is already clear: His son is definitely KSC fan

It is serious for Sarah Engels (22, “Only For You”) and Pietro. Lombardi (23, “Call My Name”): In a few days the “DSDS” -Traumpaar expected for the first time young. As the two is about to give birth and what the fans in the docu-soap “Sarah & amp; Pietro … have a baby “(from now on Mondays at 21:15 clock on RTL II) can be expected, says the couple in an interview with the news agency on spot news

The birth is getting closer -. Have You afraid of confinement

Sarah Engels, and Pietro Lombardi in a duet: View on MyVideo their clip for “I Miss You”

Sarah: Since our first child and the situation completely new to me, I naturally have some respect for the date of birth. But I think every pain will be forgotten as soon as I hold the little ones in their arms.

Have She visits the pregnancy rates in common

Sarah: Yes, and Pietro has proven to be real expert. I’m really proud of him

Are you already fit in diaper changes

Pietro:.? We have recently been asked in a TV show to the test and have spontaneously beaten us quite well .

Do you want a natural birth or were you a caesarean section rather

Sarah:. We want to in any case a natural birth

Do you already know as you want to call your son

Sarah: We have several options in the shortlist. However, we will only decide if we have the little one for the first time actually seen

is completely decorated in blue the Baby equipment

Pietro:.? No. And if, then

it is a lot of blue bear, because he is a fan KSC What viewers get in your docu-soap to see

Sarah:.? The spectators get a . little insight into our experiences during pregnancy

Are the cameras in the delivery room while

Pietro: No, it should remain a very private moment, the only Sarah and I are sharing .

They had long considered to be a so private glimpse your fans

Pietro: We were initially quite skeptical have yet agreed, because we very connected with our fans and are very grateful to them for their many years of support. In addition, yes we knew the production team already and felt comfortable with the idea

Get in the early days of support from grandparents

Sarah:.? Sure. We are a great big family and everyone is looking forward to our offspring

What do you want in education do differently than your parents

Sarah:.? I must say that our education was . well as it was

Are you afraid, as a parent to fail

Pietro:. Not really, because it is our absolute Wunschkind

wishes you still a little brother or sister for little ones

Sarah: Definitely. But we have to begin by getting some time

How much time do you give yourself to get rid of your pregnancy pounds again

Sarah:.? I think that should happen naturally and then it takes just a bit. Pietro loves me the way I am and that’s a great feeling

If you are breastfeeding your child

Sarah:.? If that is possible, in any case


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