Monday, June 15, 2015

“Millionaire?”: First question wrong – SPIEGEL ONLINE

In one and a half decades of the RTL show “Millionaire?” there have been so few: sovereign winners, losers sad, funny show acts. But that did not exist. After sender information is on Monday night for the first time a guest got kicked out of the very first question

A 20-year-old student from Aachen failed in Günther Jauch within 45 seconds and drove with zero euros and four unused Jokers home.

Millions of television viewers, the 20-year-old fashion design student had to answer this 50-euro question: “have always had the most …?” A: Dobermans, B: Cocker Spaniels, C: Shepherds, D: Giant Schnauzer “(correct answer C: Shepherds).

Then, the candidate said,” I would have just said ‘Giant Schnauzer’ . “

Günther Jauch:” Yes, you say it “

Candidate:” Yes? “

Günther Jauch:” Definitely “

Candidate: “Yes, there are mustaches.”

Günther Jauch: “Most giants have Schnauzer? Since time immemorial? “

Candidate:” Make me now do not be afraid “

Günther Jauch:”. No, afraid I can not do now. I can now only spread terror “

Then the moderator broke up:”. Since time immemorial, most shepherds have “

Candidate”. Seriously? Oh, God “

The fast and from the humiliation in front of millions spectators took the candidate then but with humor:” Quick but nice and I am with this new experience “



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