Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Severino Seeger: probation in the trial of Idol Winner – THE WORLD

“Yes, please, Mr. Chairman, that I do, of course, Mrs. Prosecutor, which do I like”: Severino Seeger, freshly baked winner of Dieter Bohlen RTL casting show ” Germany Idol “(DSDS), are located in the Frankfurt District Court immense trouble to play the humble, the exemplary, perfect all-round defendant who answered all the questions obediently, all deeds deeply regret who wants to accept his punishment and then never, ever again comes into conflict with the law. His demonstrative repentance is rewarded: At the end of the first and only court Tags Judge Klaus Eckhardt imposed while a prison sentence of one year and nine months. But he puts it, to the great relief also the supporters’ clubs in the audience, on probation.

From the show’s finale, where the former Warehouse and call center staff looking down on a floating stage on howling fans, to the interrogation in windowless Frankfurt courtroom that day, it is a long road and a deep fall. He was ashamed very, says Severino when he attaches to the statement, and let the head hang ostentatiously deep.

remorse that is worth

Again and again shine the deep-set eyes of 28-year-olds treacherous when he suppress tears with difficulty. Several times he shakes his head as if he could not quite believe what he has done since even. However, it also appears as the father of two had on this most important gig of his life no less well prepared as to his appearance in the Super Star show. In black jacket and black tie, he looks as if he were at a funeral. And somehow that right, too.

Nine old ladies, the singer who wanted to be a hairdresser once, but then broke off the training, between November 2012 and June 2013 brought to their savings – as a member of a gang, which included, among others, a cousin and a cousin of Severino. About 104,000 euros took the criminals to seniors from.

This gives the singer immediately after the reading of the charges to. He was probably involved in a loss of 25,000 euros, he says. And then he even calls a spade a spade, that is: the name of the other band members. An investigator that occurs after Severino statement as a witness, for it is words of appreciation: “In this culture of Sinti and travelers, it is not customary to make the police information about family members.” Severino’s mother is German and belongs to the Sinti, his late already over a decade ago father was Italian. “Everyone has his own neighbor,” Severino commented his attitude.

“every man for himself the next”

For if all the man with the lard in his voice and the hochgeföhnten Schopf will blame then did not take on its own, broad shoulders. Fiese people with bad intentions, unfortunately, family members, “you can not pick and choose,” would “manipulate” him to the pop singer defended. Let him gone bad back when he got to the crime, he was unemployed and “not in very stable condition and mentally,” said directly after the separation from wife number one. “I have let myself in it because I was just stupid.”

However, also making its statement clear insight came in the wrong rather late: namely only when the police became aware of him for the first time. Even cheating themselves Severino put plenty stupid.

With an ingenious system in which at least three people were always involved, the criminals took old ladies Cash and debit card including PIN, by posing as bank employees. One called a so-called “wild boar” in victims, wore the name like Mathilde or Gertrud and therefore presumably had already retired, thus easy prey.

Phone claiming the boar then, something was not with the account in order. Once he was in front, a strange foreign transfer had noticed him, another time alleged hackers were out in the field. And again and again the wild boar was also, the bank had mistakenly issued counterfeit money, which must now be recovered. Therefore he immediately send an employee over -. The collector

Sophisticated, yet plenty of stupid

This sent meanwhile a second person, the “logistician” in the background, the address of the called party and other information about about the age, the name of the alleged relationship manager or the sum at issue. And this collector, the only one so who actually looked the trusting, excited victims in the eye and decreased their account cards or cash, was in nine cases Severino Seeger. As a rule, the dupes were held the whole time on the phone, so that they could not recall even in the bank, they should have become suspicious. Some discussions, said the investigator, lasted up to 90 minutes.

that the gang is busted, actually lies on Severino Seeger. Because of wanted to leave no trace when you lift at ATMs, “disguised” So as a precaution for the security cameras. Just not very smart. He was indeed a baseball hat or a scarf over his face, but at the same time an eye-catching ring on display, which was afterwards identified easily.

Even a flashy jacket could assign him later investigators. And especially clumsy: On a hot day in June 2013, the Hesse marched muffled with scarf and hat in a bank to get there in the lobby at the vending machine money

an employee of the Spanish came before, he followed Severino secretly and took down the license plate. And that in turn led the police to the present father of the singer. Because the car was allowed to: The man had the car to his daughter, the former girlfriend and current wife of Severino paid. Revealing trim

Despite the and grabbed around from

<"prefix_1" h2 class => – Finally, the singer came three weeks in custody. Probation Severino but needs to pay to worry about his just launched with 500,000 euros in prize money singing career, the record deals, the sponsors performances, the tailwind from RTL. Or to the BMW, with whom he had come to the court center in the morning, his wife Rea and his bodyguard in tow.

The transmitter held in front of the judgment covered if he would cuddle the singer from the Hesse Wächtersbach take the Superstar title. Dieter Bohlen had said he was “extremely disappointed”: “. For such behavior there is no excuse”

Then it would be made with the life in the spotlight, hardly that the glory has begun. How quickly the audience turns away, Severino began to feel even before the verdict: The festival “For Tolerance – Against Violence” in North Rhine-Westphalia, which takes place on June 6, he was unloaded again – because it is not the theme of the event passe, say the organizers.

flopped His first single, yes, Severino plate even put by far the worst start in the twelve year history of the talent show through. When he presented his second single in the RTL-dance show “Let’s Dance”, half of the audience clapping not demonstratively. And during an appearance in Mallorca at the weekend the applause should be lean failed so loud “image” that Severino was “bleak” from the stage to controls. The comments on social networking sites also abound not just in front of sympathy: “The Severino has ripped off more Omis, as he has fans,” blasphemes on Twitter User



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