Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Plagiarism accusation against “Today Show” – Everything is a copy of a copy of a … – Süddeutsche.de

The satirical magazine “Titanic” raises the “Today Show” before, for years to steal ideas, and sends a bill to the ZDF. One should have guessed it might.

Today Show to have plagiarized and recycled ideas of others, says the satirical magazine Titanic . For the serious and not easy to be occupied accused the magazine has come up with a presentation in-house format: It has on Monday on its Web site a small, seemingly harmless click track with the title: “The best Titanic – Jokes in the Today Show . “

On display are eight examples of a partially verbatim repetition of Titanic -Witzen in the ZDF program. A current example of the show on Sunday: a board game, which is the “settlers of Catan” modeled and was umgemünzt on football’s world governing body FIFA and the 2022 World Cup: “The Settlers of Qatar” – can be seen in the Frankfurter magazine in edition 7 / 2014th Other jokes and puns are two or three years older than the versions of the Today Show .

joke of 2014: Who “The Settlers of Qatar” googling, soon end up on the old July issue of Titanic magazine,.

(Photo: Screenshot Titanic )

“The editors of the final Satire magazine Titanic has noted with pride note for years for the Today Show (ZDF) as Autorenkollektiv, Gaglieferant and graphics forge to work – until now honorary “writes the Titanic to do so. The magazine will send today a bill to the sender, says editor Tim Wolff – initially only for the Qatari joke

The ZDF says it will not then respond. “It is obviously a joke of . Titanic

“They can but also google”

Now, a human brain is indeed (as far as we know) unique, mind games and Analogy ideas are but rare. And ways to build a Pointe structurally, there are only a finite number. If one sets a team of authors with similar cultural and media background to a room with a foosball table and a computer with Internet access, you are a few Danish cookies and three thermoses full filter coffee and lets you brainstorm, then it is quite likely that both . Team now and then develop similar thoughts

This gives the Titanic a: “Everybody in this business can advance the same idea come,” says Tim Wolff. “But if it happens so often and for many years, then that is already a violation of copyright -. And the professional pride”

His editors always test with new jokes, whether they have invaded someone else already. “They can but also googling – and if you, The Settlers of Qatar ‘enters, can be found immediately our contribution.” One could at least blame the editors, careless dealing with ideas and they do not check.

The ZDF busy at the show by its own account, although a freelance writers, who also once for Titanic active. The was not involved in the Qatar-joke for example. “The play on words is quite obvious when you want to attack the award practice of FIFA at the World Cup in Qatar satirical”, tells the station.

banter at the level of Achselfurzgeräuschen

But what is also true: The Today Show as such is already a copy. They imitated the US format Daily Show, almost without changes. That’s basically no reason to raise an eyebrow, let alone outrage.

Only the Today Show not nearly as smart as her model, presenter Oliver Welke full simple irony and without attitude. And who badly copied who (has Yes here the author stole in “Fight Club” ) only imitates and not further developed and the copy of a copy in a copy sends who takes in this area already vulnerable , Then in the program between trivial sayings (“Blatter is exactly how Jesus: He can go barefoot on bills”) and banter at the level of Achselfurzgeräuschen (“The final in 1954 … I always forget that you were doing so”) . also pressed ideas that come from another source, the Today Show of their raison d’etre

be deprived Basically, Wolff says conciliatory, but true: “The more satire, the better – as is “Today Show” of course welcome. ” The first part of this sentence has anyone ever told. Luckily it was Wolff himself.


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