Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Superstar admits cheating on old ladies – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



          Severino Seeger in the Landgericht Frankfurt



RTL “Superstar” Severino Seeger has admitted in court to have cheated elderly women out of their money. He had “realized too late that this was the wrong way,” said the 28-year-old singer on Tuesday at the start of his trial in Frankfurt. Seeger had the middle of May the final of the RTL show “Germany seeks the superstar” won. That means a record deal and a half million euro bonus.


Seeger admitted in court to have been given in 2012 and 2013 visited elderly ladies in nine cases and handed out by this bank card and PIN number. Accomplices had previously called the victim and pretended to be a bank teller. In the computer system, a virus has penetrated, the bank card with PIN number needed to be fed, so the time and singular lie told.


The damage from Seeger damage amounts according to the indictment to almost 19,000 euros. His counsel announced that the singer wants to repair the damage. The accused appeared remorseful: A cousin had “manipulated” him to join. “I said yes, because I was just stupid.” About the details according to the indictment by an ingenious and thoughtful “Model” organized gang he knew nothing. There is also provided a day of the trial in June. Possibly but the process could go in the afternoon to end.



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Severino Seeger in court

“Superstar” admits cheating on old ladies

mid-May he was the winner of a casting show a record deal and a half million euros, but first he brought old ladies out of their money. In court to “Superstar” Severino shows now ruefully.

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