Tuesday, June 2, 2015

After sentencing in fraud trial: RTL drops Severino – Abendzeitung Munich

Severino Seeger is namely remains reigning “Idol” winner, but after sentencing for fraud RTL goes distance to the 28-year-olds: Severino is there “get no further platform more”.

RTL draws conclusions from the transgressions of its current “DSDS” -Siegers Severino Seeger: Once this has been sentenced to probation on Tuesday for involvement in several trick fraud, the sender wants the 28-year-olds now withdraw further assistance

” With application of the now spoken judgment Severino is with us, however, no further platform more get, “said a spokesman of the transmitter with on Tuesday night. Up to the present verdict nor the presumption of innocence was in force. The now judicially confirmed acts Severino to condemn explicitly, the report said.

already failed


unfortunate is this decision for Severino probably mainly because on Friday, his first album “Severino” to> appear. For the singer would certainly be able to use some television promotion of RTL. His first single, “Hero of My Heart” had already made it into the charts only in tenth place – for “Idol” winner truly exhilarating no result. Now the early career-Off could face

However, RTL can the have stumbled before his casting success Star also a back door open.. “Severino has his way back to lawful and social behavior, we very much hope that he uses this opportunity. Of this will also depend on whether it can be long term resumed in the history of ‘Idol’, “said RTL spokesman Christian Körner of the website” DWDL.de “. Title and prize money should Severino keep anyway -. Finally, he had been elected by the public

Severino put a confession from

The Frankfurt regional court ruled on Tuesday afternoon that the singer in 2012 and 2013 as part of a highly organized gang fraudsters using tricks a total of almost 20,000 euros had looted from older women. The whole group is alleged to have ill-gotten even around 100,000 euros. Severino had his actions been previously in the proceedings. “I know that I have served not only material damage, but also spiritual. For this, I want to apologize,” the offender said aloud “bild.de”.


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