Saturday, June 6, 2015

Pierre Brice died: Winnetou legacy – STERN

L surfaces from me, but for me it feels as if he had realized that for him there is no space in this world, which continues to rotate relentless. The hero to embody the and he had to defend his life’s work, this drawn in simple, straight lines figure of the noble warrior, with its principles of friendship and justice had long been inappropriate, outdated. A silver tin can no longer align in a world in which the ego above all else stands and cowardice has become the etiquette, a noble warrior who invaders spared in his perishing world, where it goes, must necessarily lose in action against the noisy Hordes of IS, rapacious financial speculators and the self-righteous mob on the net. We have no more patience for long glances across the prairie, no time for speeches before the first shot is fired.

The death of Pierre Brice fits in my gloomy thoughts image as a final mosaic Our world is getting worse. And everything I’ve learned from Winnetou – the time when the justice may not always won, but at least it was as desirable, to be fair – crashes into the world like a boat on the cliff

Oh, I’m being unfair. And childish. And maudlin, you like it forgive me on this day of mourning for bygone youthful dreams. Even in the seventies, there was terror and cowardice and rapid change and people who said earlier would have been better and their face then always accepted these defiant expression everything. People were decent at any time, the Company is not better, the horror came in waves and caught almost every generation. What’s different, that’s me. My belief that the world would change and mankind with it, which has gone out, and I’m even quite surpised that it is not noticed so long. Am I not even long ago moved on and I’ve got my put them before everything else? I myself am the world continues to turn and was the man who Winnetou, has not thought about for years.

The image of Winnetou, the film Winnetou my childhood In any case, hanging in front of my present I like a yellowed Bravo Starschnitt. Of course, the message was all too easy, the fancy costume almost laughable, the amazement great as the Apache chief, was soft and melodious his voice in the film, suddenly asked at the Karl May Festpiele festival in dröhnenen baritone: “What ‘ave Eusch this Waissen götan Siedlär? ” But as a child I did not care. Winnetou was my father who filled the empty space in the heart of a socially isolated child divorce almost completely. I learned from him that you have to stand up for justice, even if it costs one’s life and the struggle is for nothing – but what is death, when Lex Barker kneeling beside one and your story continues around the campfires

Times change you without you realize it. Only when the long-forgotten face of the hero of your childhood again flares up in you, and then go out for good, then you notice the gap on in your heart. And you have to swallow because you know suddenly, what it was like – it was when you looked in defiant or simply serene adult faces and told to you: So I’ll never



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