Saturday, June 6, 2015

Jan Sosniok death of Winnetou actor Pierre Brice – SPIEGEL ONLINE


  • DPA

      Jan Sosniok , born in Gummersbach in 1968, first worked as a model before it in the RTL daily soap “Good Times, Bad Times” entry in 1994. He also starred in the TV series “Berlin Berlin” and “Danni Lowinski” with. Since 2013 he plays the Winnetou at the Karl May Festival in Bad Segeberg.


SPIEGEL: Mr Sosniok, you embody this summer the Winnetou at the Karl May Festival in Bad Segeberg. From 1988 to 1991 Pierre Brice stood there on stage. How did you learn about his death? Sosniok: I’ve heard this morning, just before I went to rehearsal. We are all very concerned. Pierre Brice looks from old posters in the offices, he looks at us from the photos in the canteen. Those are big shoes to fill. My wife wanted to invite this year to us it actually. I would much like to ask him.

SPIEGEL: What exactly?

Sosniok: What he took from the role of the Apache chief. Whether we are doing our job well in Bad Segeberg. Of course, if I’m a good Winnetou.

SPIEGEL: What do you think he would have said?

Sosniok: He would certainly have occurred on something wise.

SPIEGEL: Do you have to play like Winnetou Pierre Brice?

Sosniok: Pierre Brice has shaped us, he is Winnetou par, even for me. Nobody will be able to topple him from the throne. He was absolutely authentic and had the role of a sinister aura strong, he also gave the figure a certain aloofness, something magical. I notice it always remember how excited the spectators are in Bad Segeberg, if you stand next to me after the performances and take pictures. As for acting, which Pierre Brice has put into this role. But I can copy it, of course not.

SPIEGEL: Is it a burden to take on a role that is so strongly linked to another actor?

Sosniok: On the one hand, of course I want to come as close as possible to his Winnetou. On the other hand, I’m glad that I’ll never make it. For such a role can also eternally stuck at one. The more authentic you are in it, the more difficult to get out of her. That one looks good on Pierre Brice.

SPIEGEL: Pierre Brice has often quarreled with the fact that he has been reduced his life to his Winnetou representation.

Sosniok: Yes. I had almost had a similar experience on TV, when I “bad times Good times” starred in. When one years his role in such a series, then it is for the people out there sometime this figure. With each passing day, the risk that an actor as nothing else is credited grows.

SPIEGEL: So it’s not just a burden, but also a relief to have a model that you can not catch?

Sosniok: That’s right. It helps me to be perceived as an actor in other roles. The role as Winnetou is just one of them.

SPIEGEL: What’s on your Winnetou unlike at the Pierre Brice?

Sosniok: It’s hard to say. A message we have tried but as Winnetou to convey all. Goes well to one another, live in peace


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