Tuesday, June 9, 2015

ARD: Anne Will is to assume Jauch political talk – THE WORLD

Just one week after the resignation of Günther Jauch, the successor is apparently fixed: Anne Will is to assume the prominent time slot on Sunday evening in the First, reported the “mirror”.

was heard from director circles that the 49-year-old is indisputable as Jauch-successor. Also WDR chief Tom Buhrow have no objection to the Personnel. “This can now all go very quickly,” citing the “mirror” of the directorship of the ARD radio station. “According to my knowledge is decided or prejudged nothing”, but ARD chief editor Thomas Baumann said on request of the German Press Agency.

Several media have already speculated that Anne Will could take the time slot, but in charge of the political talk-place within the ARD North German Radio (NDR) rejected this version initially as speculation back.

” Günther Jauch will fulfill his contract and his talk show in the first to the end of 2015 to continue, “said a spokesman NDR. “Ample time to settle the succession. This will do everyone involved in the NDR and ARD. The result we will post. On speculation, we do not participate.”

Jauch had rejected the NDR offer a contract extension through the 2015 addition, last week. He had professional and personal reasons indicated, without specifying them. Jauch moderated the ARD talk since the fall of 2011. ‘/ P>

Anne Will talkt currently have on Wednesday evening at 22.45 clock in the ARD.

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