Tuesday, June 9, 2015

ARD film on Iraq war – The Dodgers may be victims now – Süddeutsche.de

The ARD operated in a documentary about the war in Iraq commonly held paranoia. Protagonist of the film is the informant “Curveball” – the man who gave America a lie the reason for war.

This movie is not a documentary, not reportage. He is a light warm-up for all those who believe anyway because intelligence agencies have built a shadow empire precarious legality, well equipped with power, money, art. Whoever believes in this sinister realm, which is located at War of Lies -. Can feel entertained Curveball and the Iraq War schaurigstschön

Matthias Bittner, the filmmaker, a theme has chosen, where you can not go wrong if you want to use the commonly held paranoia. He Rafid Ahmed Alwan, a outrierten self-promoter, asked again extensively expand its almost Schtonk -hafte robber pistol that is intended to create, as in February 2003 to that unspeakable presence of the then US Secretary of State Colin Powell before the UN Security Council came: then Powell put alleged evidence of the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before, which should legitimize the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the war in Iraq

Because Rafid Ahmed Alwan, codenamed. Curveball , is that an informant from Iraq, who claimed after his application for asylum in Germany in 1999, to have been a director of a plant for the production of chemical weapons in his home and to have invented mobile production facilities. Colorful illustrations of such trucks showed Powell to the UN, also they served at the time as evidence.

Trailer ” War of Lies “in the ARD

The United States took advantage of the lie about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction for a war in Iraq. Rafid Ahmed Alwan spread the false allegation.

(Video: ARD , photo: SWR / Julia Schlingmann)

He celebrates his appearance: big gestures, great emotions, a lot of cigarette smoke and pathos

In early 2006 turned out: The are no revelations , That’s a lie all. Back then researched the intelligence expert at the Los Angeles Times , Bob Drogin, and the German journalist John Goetz (who is also the SZ works) in the event that exiled Iraqi who informed the Federal Intelligence Service about alleged rolling biological weapons laboratories had. Although the BND, the US government in 2002 indicating that his information had not been confirmed, the man was the secret star witness for the alleged biological weapons of Saddam Hussein.

Curveball is now the only one except the filmmakers coming right word; he is the only one whose face can be seen – the historical TV recordings from the period of course except

And Rafid Ahmed Alwan celebrates his appearance:. with a flourish, great emotions, a lot of cigarette smoke and thoughtful Pathos , Sometimes, it seems, but he finds it not easy to maintain the face of who confessed and not to act out of character in this empathetic Psycho interrogation. But Rafid Ahmed Alwan plays with, falls into the word, he has the filmmaker on the hook, not vice versa.

When the German Secret Service was with Curveball entered into a symbiosis

So Curveball tells his story in the manner, as if he and the German intelligence officers were entered into a kind of symbiosis: The spooks reportedly searched exactly one like him, the evidence against Saddam bite delivered. Curveball yielded good and resistant

What discredited the movie, is the shape of the work-up. No one is confronted with curveballs statements, there is only subjectivist reenactment of the story. It is carried out from the perspective of a first-person shooter: Up to the soup spoons suggests the camera eye, it was a Cyclops eye in the head of the protagonist of this film. Its structuring as a countdown to the Iraq war, the Stasi friendly wood veneer Charm in the offices of floppy hats, the soundtrack of the action cinema reinforce the impression that here the unbelievable story of a implausible should be hochgejazzt the Ripper. What does Rafid after Swindle was busted? “You have put the failure of all intelligence on my shoulders. I’m the only loser of the operation.” Drunter does the film there.

War of Lies, ARD, 22.45 clock .


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