Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Anne Will: Quote Make a Sport – Times Online

Anne Will accepts Günther Jauch ARD Talk place. Within the framework of the thinkable which is a good solution. Man but could sometimes think about the talk itself.

 culture, Anne Will, Günther Jauch, Anne Will, ARD, NDR, media, Sabine Christiansen, Building Societies, feminism, television series, Frank Schirrmacher, neoliberalism, show, talk show, Twitter

ARD wants, Twitter wants online journalism wants public wants. | © Karlheinz Schindler / dpa

Anne Will takes over from January 2016, the time slot of Günther Jauch on Sunday evening. That gave the competent NDR announced Tuesday. It is the time slot, the Jauch had taken over from Anne Will 2011, which had been given him in 2007 after Jauch him after failed negotiations with the ARD but had not wanted.

So what does the message of Will’s return? First of all, it means that the Sunday talk show is not touched by Jauch surprising withdrawal announcement as a format – there is instead just a change of personnel. As the ARD rare today will decide the future of an imported format to the next, but rather from one day to five years, which is not surprising. But the staffing decision has at least the opportunity to be in principle once again.

The political talk show can, considered over the years to recognize two key issues that are immanent.

First problem: A TV talk-discussion is not open to new ideas. If the talk show a man she had savings agreement and Riester pension: It lives, but her life is completely planned out. So also the political talk is by timed format whose contents are staked out in advance. If a man, as recently in Günther Jauch , unauthorized demands a minute’s silence for drowned refugees, he writes thus directly into the media memory one – so surprising any sheering is from the customs of the Talks


This example, however, you can also see why the guests choice sometimes very conventional fails. Anyone who criticizes TV presenters for their achievements, has never moderated a discussion with several parties who are striving in different directions. Conversations with people whose Debattierverhalten is not tested, can not be predicted. So any editorial is delighted with media-savvy participants. Originality, however, is not a criterion. If you wanted to change that, one would have to equal the whole perfection television change in which nothing must go wrong

The second problem is. The talk show, which seeks to on controversial topics representatives of all positions to allow come word is often the puppet theater. How to discuss war Bundeswehr missions if an asserted in the round, they had no alternative, and another, they are likely to take place under any circumstances? How to discuss feminism, if two guests want to talk about recent developments, but one guest claims in two-minute intervals, you just do not need it?

The talk show in itself has now trains of Al Bundy. Pig Men character from the TV series Married with Children knows Ten Commandments. One reads: “synchronized swimming is not a sport.” Another: “mud wrestling is a sport.” These two commandments also follows the talk, if he can collide head-on positions, rather than to deepen aspects. The solution to both problems would be: a white sheet of paper, starting from scratch, completely rethink the talcs.

Now you could formulate so this format criticism even five years ago. What is, in the context of what is thinkable, unlike with Anne Will? Regardless of the head of a show is not finally. Talk to former Sabine Christiansen called Frank Schirrmacher even as influential for the emergence of neo-liberalism. Günther Jauch is considered close to people, not overly critical and political means. Anne Will, however, has sharpened in the time slot on Wednesday its profile as a political talk show host. Details of the conversation, the guests and the choice of topics and perhaps also the color of the chair are likely to change from January to. Many who speak out publicly to talk shows will appreciate that. The question is whether it can keep Jauch good rates that are likely to be a benchmark for the ARD because “Quote Make is a Sport”

In an at least reliable:. Not only the Talk will go on, but also the talk about the talk. With Twitter about. And the online talk show early criticism may continue to appear. So feeding the public ARD with their program diverse private media that can reliably Monday morning publish a widely read post. In summary, therefore: ARD wants media want, Twitter wants, and the audience will also tend to. Whoever comes with a white sheet of paper to think about brand new everything, which it can fully write then also himself.


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