Monday, June 1, 2015

TV Column “Günther Jauch”: spokesman defended Fifa sponsors Blatter – with only … – ABC Online

Monday, 06.01.2015, 06:28 · FOCUS editor Beate Strobel
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season break in things football? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Thanks Sepp Blatter prosecutors of all countries may hope for a summer fairy tale. “The Fifa Marsh – How dirty is our football” therefore questioned “Günther Jauch”. Unfortunately, no question.

has long So now it’s about respect. He missed the same to him, the eternal Sepp Blatter has said immediately after his re-election as FIFA President. . And that he might forgive, but never forget

so aggressive to speak to report after possibly desaströsten week in the history of world football’s governing: This includes chutzpah. Or an almost morbid loss of reality. In Sepp Blatter’s case, it is probably a mixture of both

selection of the most suspicious

past Wednesday, 30.05 clock in the morning. In Zurich seven Fifa functionaries arrested. Under the code name “Operation Darwin” investigating prosecutors awarding of World Cups to Russia and Qatar, will be determined on suspicion of corruption and money laundering.

But the system of eternal Fifa sponsors Blatter brings even so full-blown scandal not falter: The Valais is re-elected a few days later

The chef in the white waistcoat

Joseph S. Blatter. , now 79 years old, thus directs the world football body in the fifth term. What did he do at this time only from the association?

Nothing says Alexander Koch, representative of the FIFA Media Department, who is standing in Sunday talk “Günther Jauch” in the short term for Blatter’s media director Walter de Gregorio and there now has the thankless task of defending his boss against the rest of the round

Cook strategy consists of only one argument:. Blatter is not responsible for the mistakes made by individual officials. Since corruption after all belong in some member countries of business conduct, bribery is so “inherent in the system” at the FIFA. And therefore does not lie within the sphere of influence of a president. C’est la vie, what can you do?

Video: “Let’s go Fifa”

“is no longer a non-profit, but public danger “

From all sides they now go to him, the smart Fifa defender Cook: Who stands at the head of an organization as long as Blatter, was also responsible for the prevailing culture, insists sports presenter Marcel Reif. As “beratungsresistent” refers Guido Tognoni, formerly media director at Fifa, the president.

The Fifa was no longer a non-profit, but a public danger, polemic Claudia Roth, who was probably loaded as female Odds fan. Or even because football turf is as green as their party.

The shallows in swamp

Soon it appears that the question of the “Günther Jauch “-Talks was merely rhetorical: there is a Fifa-Marsh, has long been a sort of commonplace

The answer to the supplementary question, how dirty the football now really is, however, overwhelmed the format.. Here is just space for sweeping criticism and official statements, not for Investigation.

“Americans invite to”

As Florian Bauer, Fifa insiders ARD, Alexander Koch takes to task, it goes very quickly to details that can not understand the common football fan. But he suspects at least, that the swamp is far explored.

“There are signs that the Americans will now reload”, Guido Tognoni rumored. “This may bring down the house of FIFA.” This gives us hope for the next few weeks.

Qatar “godsend” for the workers?

Almost cynical as it is, as a cook awarding the FIFA World Cup to Qatar as a “godsend” for representing the workers. Finally, now looks only the world public opinion to the conditions on the ground, only then could change that.

Yes, exclaims Claudia Roth, then could the next World Cup calmed go to North Korea. Thus there soon everything for the better turn.

Blatter’s boundless realm

When asked to Finally, who could for the Fifa put limits, sense of helplessness. The Fan? The Countries? The sponsors?

The Fifa is a closed system, says Tognoni, and therefore it is impossible to put pressure on them. Not even Alexander Koch would clearly raise their hands when Jauch nachbohrt who still believes in the round of self-healing powers within the organization.

“Fifa gets broken even”

If the Fifa scandal now the beginning of the end of the most beautiful thing in the world? Marcel Reif here all clear, but only for the game itself.

The Fifa other hand, is about to make itself broken. Exactly it but harvests ripe hope. For the football.

last resort against Blatter! Now the Uefa needs the World Cup boycott

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