Monday, June 1, 2015

Günther Jauch on FIFA and Sepp Blatter – STERN

B Latter is beratungsresistent. Blatter is obsessed with power. Blatter must have known of the corruption. Blatter’s only in charge of the culture of corruption in Fifa. Blatter Blatter Blatter.

Should Blatter have zapped in Zurich randomly “Günther Jauch”, it is likely to have fallen to him, what he was told. Especially consisting of his name. Five more or less suitable football experts and part-time sports moderator Jauch attempted to work to decipher the “System Blatter”.

The FIFA President, since felt sixty years in office, seems already to exist in their own spheres. Scandals slide on him like on a Teflon-coated high-tech soles. The FBI arrested seven top officials on suspicion of organized crime? Not Blatter’s problem. The Swiss justice under investigation for irregularities in the World Cup award to Qatar and Russia? Blatter re-elected for the fifth time in a row as Fifa president.

Culture of Corruption

Claudia Roth, Vice-President of the German Bundestag and confessing panini Bildchen-Collector, confirmation that the 79-year-old acting talent. Roth: “Blatter’s like the Godfather The honorable society has chosen him..” Even sports presenter Marcel Reif recognized at Blatter creative application – albeit in a negative way: He did nothing less than a “culture of corruption” created in the 40 years that he worked in total in the FIFA,

corruption that is, there is, everywhere in life. The Fifa was not free from it countered the only Blatter advocates in the round, Alexander Koch, Fifa spokesman of occupation. Koch acted similarly unfazed as his boss. You have to do it with a “systemic” process, he took the charge of corruption. Blatter as a person is not as crucial. As an explanation of the PR professional cast a startling comparison out of the hat: One, FIFA would have to think about the way the United Nations. Finally, since not everyone is also Member State sublime moral.

Moral, a good keyword for further discussion about the controversial World Cup award to the desert state of Qatar. ARD journalist Florian Bauer talked about his repeated searches: workers who live with 16 people in 20 square-meter descent, lousy pay, catastrophic working conditions. Hundreds have already died during the construction. Bauer himself was arrested last of the shooting for five days in Qatar.

The next World Cup in South Korea?

Fifa spokesman Cook said Blatter himself was not for Qatar voted. Nevertheless, the desert state as World Cup venue was not a bad choice: “The World Cup will help the workers to improve your working conditions and living situation.”, He claimed. Claudia Roth looked at you, how much they a vuvuzela or Manolo (the football god rest his soul) longed to once belonging to blow cook the march. After his “crazy reasoning” must be exactly in those countries the World Cup organizing that would give as little as possible on human rights and working conditions. Roth: “Then soon North Korea ?!” Whether Roth will for then look no championship game because of their criticism in 2022, Günther Jauch asked. “I go to the Christmas Market and drink a mulled wine,” Roth replied not really convincing. Reif strove still quick to say that “football but really is a wonderful thing.” Actually.


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