Thursday, June 4, 2015

“Sister Act” gets a remake: Whoopi Goldberg as a singing nun – ABC Online

Thursday, 06.04.2015, 09:25
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The cult comedy ” Sister Act “is re-released by Disney. Currently work is underway on the script -. More than 20 years after “Sister Act II” had come with Whoopi Goldberg in the movie theaters

For more than 20 years, the last Gospel faded away in the cinema hall – now is the 90′s cult comedy “Sister Act” reissued. As “The Hollywood Reporter” reported Disney leaves just two renowned authors the screenplay for a remake of Whoopi Goldberg (59) write a successful movie: Kirsten Smith and Karen McCullah have hits like “Legally Blonde” and” 10 Things I Hate About You “written

As the story of the – by.” Sister Act II “now third -” Sister Act “-Streifens should look like in detail and whether Goldberg is again one of the party, but it is still unclear. The end of 2014 the actress had however ruled out to return again in the role as a lounge singer in a voiced asylum nuns choir to the canvas. Some of the back in the early 90s aged actresses of the nuns had already passed away, Goldberg explained their negative attitude.

Nostalgic feelings? The movie “Sister Act – a heavenly career” with Whoopi Goldberg, you can order here on DVD

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