Wednesday, June 3, 2015

File reference XY special – Where is my child ?: “file number XY” looking Peggy … – Abendzeitung Munich

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Where is the five-year Inga? This question occupied for weeks the police. The special show “file number XY special – Where is my child?” asks in the case again to Notes. However, other children and young people are still missing.

Cologne – Still no trace of the missing four weeks ago Inga ( 5) of Stendal in Saxony-Anhalt. Immediately after Ingas disappearance the police had combed days with over 1,000 officials and helpers a 3500 hectare forest area around Wilhelmshof. In this helicopter and special tracking dogs were in use. The search was discontinued after four days without result. The current forest adjacent to the former Radius, had not previously been searched, according to police.

Investigators asked with nationwide hung posters , television appearances and a dedicated website the public for help. More than 1,000 according to police evidence went a date. Last praised the investigators on Tuesday EUR 25 000 reward for the decisive tip to Inga’s whereabouts from.

Now, the program “document number is XY “again asked for instructions.

Inga described

• about 1.20 meters tall / slim figure / physique delicate

• blue eyes / delicate, light eyebrows and long eyelashes

• blonde to medium blonde

• two upper front teeth are missing, the bottom already two new teeth available

• braids with bright neon yellow hair bands

• mintfarbenes long-sleeved shirt with printed butterfly, on the shoulders Ruffles

• Shoes: in dark pink of “elephant” with two velcro fasteners

Read also: Police seek missing Inga in forest near Stendal

In Germany reported 100,000 children and adolescents reported missing every year. According to the Federal were on April 1, 620 children and adolescents in 2654 as missing. Good 99 per cent plunge latest safely after a few days back on. In rare cases, their track as in “case Inga” loses

Who posted information on the case to contact the relevant authorities or call the toll-free hotline for reporting missing children. 116 000

The Case Peggy

The case Peggy was treated in the shipment. In 2001, Peggy in Lichtenberg from school to home. Since then, every trace of their missing. That she is still alive, actually no one believes. But what could have happened to her – well over there is no certainty. A body was never found. Their disappearance is one of the greatest unsolved criminal cases.

Shortly after the disappearance of the student began a large-scale search operation. Even Bundeswehr -Tornados were in use. Hundreds of police combed the woods around Lichtenberg. In vain. 2002 presented the investigators the mentally handicapped Ulvi K. as suspects. He had Peggy murdered to cover up that he had sexually abused her. In 2004 he was sentenced as Peggys murderer. Meanwhile, he was acquitted during a retrial.

In the past two years there have been a series of spectacular actions of the police investigation to still investigate the disappearance of the schoolgirl. Last Searched in spring in a dam in Saxony after Peggy’s satchel. Police acknowledged this frankly a: chances of success had the action with divers riot police really. But you did not want to be accused to have left a trace in mind.

At least one witness had in the months after Peggy’s disappearance said to have seen a satchel in the dam 40 km from Lichtenberg remote. At that time, the investigators examined only on the banks. “We had the now double-check, but had not expected to find,” said Attorney General Potzel

2013, the police had nearly a week busy to search a property in Lichtenberg -. Even was in the garden dug. Although the investigators found bones, but they did not come from Peggy . Equally unsuccessful was a dig at action Lichtenberger cemetery early 2014. Former acquaintances of Peggy’s family from Halle / Saale had meantime come to the attention of the investigators, but even this track brought no breakthrough. They are now no more than suspects

Notes to the CID Bayreuth 0921 506 1414

He behaved oddly:. Searching for Lars

The 28-year-old Lars Mittank from Marne disappeared early July 2014. Mittank was at this time with two friends on holiday in Bulgaria. During the stay Mittank is attacked by unknown persons and injured his ear. Because of the injury he can not fly back with his friends on the day of departure. A doctor notes a eardrum and prescribes Mittank antibiotics.

The 28-year-old then checked into a hotel. That same evening, he answers but with his mother and indicates that the hotel is “weird”. Middle of the night he leaves the building and goes to the airport.

Mittank seeks an airport doctor because of his injury on. The doctor provides the patient a restless behavior leaves. In the middle of the meeting leaves the 28-year-old the room and disappear

It is possible that antibiotics were responsible for his unusual behavior

ran away from home:.. Where is Luljeta

Luljeta Tahiri has disappeared for over a year. The 13-year-old met privately with a Turkish man on Facebook. One day, the man’s family turned to Luljetas parents and announced that the two want to get married. Luljetas family refused the marriage.

Luljeta then ran away and appeared a few days later the police again. She claimed to have been beaten by their parents. Then the officials handed over the girl to the youth welfare office.

Luljeta stayed there a few days until she runs away again someday. Since then it’s gone.

Christopher James Miles

Since 2010, CJ Miles disappeared. The then 28-year-old comes from Nottingham and is working at the time of disappearance in Zell am See (Salzburg) as guide and ski instructor. 31 July 2010 Miles drove some hotel guests to Rupolding. After he set the tourists, he disappears.

In Miles depression and severe mood swings was found. Authorities suspect including a suicide.


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