Saturday, June 13, 2015

Pictures of Wolfgang Herrndorf – Try what goes – Sü

Hitler in Picasso-style or Milosevic, a Serb “Titanic” presented: Narrator Wolfgang Herrndorf has also painted. An exhibition in Berlin shows the images. And just as true of his lyrics: you do not get bored.

In 1996, the editors of the satirical magazine received Titanic a new supply of Wolfgang Herrndorf: a picture in the style of Vermeer in January. Clean interior, light from the left, a map hanging on the wall, but instead a young girl reads Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s letter. Titanic brought the “letter reader” as a poster and demanded more – Kohl was always good for a joke, and Herrndorf had opened the carbon-joke a new branch. Not the “pear”, not the Palatine Hicks was ridiculed, but the classic glorified and celebrated.

“classic carbon” then was also a calendar of Haffmanns publishing in 1998. It was found that “Portrait of Chancellor Kohl “, Lucas Cranach the Elder attributed, images with carbon by Edward Hopper, Georg Baselitz, or Carl Spitzweg Caspar David Friedrich and other masters more. The Federal Chancellery is, it is said, bought a significant part of the support and the classic-carbon Calendar have given guests.

Wolfgang Herrndorf, then in his early thirties, had studied at the Nuremberg Academy of Fine Arts Painting and had moved to Berlin. He earned money with illustrations for the Haffmanns Verlag, the Tagesspiegel and Titanic . He also wrote for the Internet Forum “We polite paparazzi” and the blog “huge machine”. Early noughties he gave up painting and published – four years after the deselection Kohls – his debut novel “In plush thunderstorms”

The following stations of his life are already legend: In February 2010, an incurable brain tumor was diagnosed. In autumn 2010, appeared the runaway story “Tschick” and became one of the most successful novels of recent years. With friends and readers Herrndorf communicated via the digital diary “work and structure”. 2011 appears in the desert novel “sand”, the black romantic counterpart to “Tschick”, a mad wise composed book. Herrndorf receives prices, earned for the first time in my life very well, on August 26, 2013 he sits on the banks of the Hohenzollern canal end his life.


On the death of Wolfgang Herrndorf He loved cold and funny

He has written wonderfully vivid prose – no frills and strained characteristics. Now Wolfgang Herrndorf, author of the bestseller “Tschick”, died at the age of 48 years.

Posthumously published the publishing house Rowohlt Berlin ‘work and structure ” and the unfinished novel “pictures of your great love”, one last example of clear, suggestive Herrndorf prose: “Being crazy is indeed just that one is crazy, not stupid.”

On Friday this Wolfgang Herrndorf week would have been fifty. On this occasion, the House of Literature Berlin shows an exhibition on Herrndorf’s pictorial work. Here you can admire the Haffmanns calendar, work of the student, Joke drawings, book covers, many small paintings. Herrndorf has destroyed some of his work itself, about 600 have survived. The exhibition and the beautiful, informative catalog offer a good introduction to the work of which we know very little so far.

© SZ from 06/13/2015 / cag

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