Saturday, June 13, 2015

Marxist trained capitalist success: Christ, the Master of the shells … – NEWS

 Fully veiled structures, …

 … Wrapped Trees …

 … Or kilometers long colorful fabrics in the countryside: When you see something like this can actually be behind only Christo

 Or better: Christo and Jeanne-Claude. If the world-renowned artist talks about his work, he still says “we”, even years …

 … After the death of his wife – Jeanne-Claude died in November 2009. For decades, he was never seen without them, they were virtually inseparable. And the couple had promised himself that is a go on after the death of the other.

 Since 1962 they were married. Both were born on the same day (he in Bulgaria, she in French Morocco), on 13 June 1935 – Christo now celebrates his 80th birthday without you

 In the magazine “Interview” Barbara Rose wrote in March 2014, as they met the two in 1964 and was under the impression they were merged into one person. If one of them started to set, ended the other him. The people they had at that time already called “ChristoundJeanne-Claude”.

 Both were known primarily for major projects through spectacular actions – particularly in Germany …

 … By the Wrapped Reichstag in the summer of 1995. It was one of the biggest art projects of the 20th century, but they also had to fight against formidable resistance for years. The then Chancellor Helmut Kohl …

 … Was against the project, the Bundestag finally decided in a vote but instead – also thanks to the support of the Bundestag President Rita Süssmuth (l.). They argued back in 1991 for the project – “Without Rita Süssmuth it would probably have never worked,” Christo says today.

 And then – the project was a great success. The Reichstag, packed with 100,000 square meters specially produced shiny fabric …

 … Wanted five million visitors see. A wonderfully relaxed carnival atmosphere prevailed in the Verhüllungs-time from June 24 to July 7, 1995 around the historic buildings. And then of course nobody wanted to be on the other hand have all found it wonderful.

 However, it was of course not the first major project of Jeanne-Claude and Christo: 1968 already they could at the documenta IV in Kassel participate – with a balloon with a volume of 5600 cubic meters, popularly known as “sausage”. It consisted of a large balloon from Trevira, in many smaller helium balloons that straightened the whole thing.

 In 1969 she concealed a coastline in Australia; 1970 started their project “Valley Curtain” (pictured). Here, a curtain should be held by a 400 meter wide valley of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. The first attempt …

 … Failed in October 1971 – strong winds ripped the nylon fabric. Finally, in August 1972, it succeeded, but the curtain had to due to a storm after one day be dismantled. Christo and Jeanne-Claude saw it anyway as a success to.

 Early 1970 began preparations to “Running Fence”, after a long struggle against the bureaucracy, the project was launched in 1976. A 40-kilometer nylon fence ran through California, 5.5 meters high. When he was done, Christo and Jeanne-Claude had to pay $ 60,000 fine because they lacked the approval for the coastal region.

 After the projects “Running Fence” and “Wrapped Walk Ways” (the veiling of footpaths in Loose Park in Kansas City) in the 1970s, followed in 1983 “Surrounded Islands”. In this eleven artificially raised islands in Biscayne Bay …

 … Surrounded between Miami, North Miami and Miami Beach, which served primarily as dumping grounds with pink polypropylene fabric.

 From the muddy islands were art-lily for two weeks. “Surrounded Islands” is now regarded as one of the most spectacular projects of Christo and Jeanne-Claude.

 In 1985, she veiled Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge in Paris – also for a period of 14 days. (Reminds already very close to the Reichstag.)

 The next major project was followed in 1991 with “The Umbrellas”: 1760 yellow umbrellas were set up in September in California, …

 … 1340 blue screens donated at the same time in Japan shadow.

 Another success: The 6 meters high and 8.66 meters in diameter measured umbrellas had a total of three million visitors

 After the next major project, the wrapped Reichstag in Berlin in 1995, it made Christo and Jeanne-Claude in 1998 a number of small: you wrapped in Riehen near Basel in Berower Park 178 trees. They consumed for 55,000 square silver gray shimmering polyester fabric and 23 kilometers rope.

 1999 drew Jeanne-Claude and Christo back to Germany. This time …

 … They piled in a gasometer in Oberhausen, the highest exhibition hall in Europe, …

 … 13,000 oil barrels on in seven different colors to a gigantic wall.

 “The Wall” was 26 meters high, 68 meters wide and seven meters deep. During the six months of its existence, the installation nearly 400,000 visitors and had been enthusiastically received – perhaps so …

 … Christo created in the Gasometer Oberhausen in 2013 a second work of art, the largest indoor sculpture in the world. The “Big Air Package” …

 … Was the first project, which has been realized without Christo Jeanne-Claude.

 The sculpture consisted of 20,350 square meters of translucent fabric and 4500 meters cable. When inflated, it reached an altitude of 90 meters, a diameter of 50 meters and a volume of 177,000 cubic meters.

 The sculpture was five tons; The walk inside was a very special atmosphere, an awe-inspiring experience of size, light and space.

 A few years earlier, in February 2005, Christo and Jeanne-Claude New York enchanted with her last full jointly implemented project: In “The Gates” …

 … Adorned 7500 goals of bright orange fabric to Central Park.

 The river of surging, fluttering panels was 37 km long and had five million visitors -. No less startling than Wrapped Reichstag decade earlier

 The gigantic project cost equally gigantic $ 21 million – paid for by Christo and Jeanne-Claude through the sale of studies, drawings, collages, lithographs and other works. Neither the City of New York even had sponsors contribute.

 So they have always done: Christo and Jeanne-Claude drew all their projects themselves, and put them to independently. (Giving priority to the artist and she was the organizer.) They took no orders and no subsidies. The financing of the works they braced entirely from its own resources.

 And so it is today. Christ made this at the design stage drawings according to the planning status. The sale of the drawings, which prints custom built and the rights to pictures of works financed projects. When asked why he does not accept sponsorship or government subsidies, …

 … Christo said: “Because I want total freedom was In 1956, when the uprising in Hungary dejected, I fled from Czechoslovakia to Vienna, hidden in a train I was all alone and 17 stateless, and that got me. . marked I want to be free, independent I have fought for my freedom and I will not give a millimeter which I fund our art projects, by selling works of art by me Maybe that’s the great irony of my life:.!. I was trained Marxist and am now capitalist success. “

 The proceeds go almost entirely to the art, because Christ does not care much for money. “I’ll pay me $ 25,000 a year salary,” he said in 2011. ‘/ P>

 And that is certainly true today still. And with 80 years it does not come to rest, working like a madman: “?. Why should I stop I love what I do now, and there is still so much to do,” he says. For there to wait a few unfinished projects, such as …

 … “Over the River” (design in the background). The surge of the Arkansas River in the US state of Colorado with free-floating fabric panels over a distance of eleven kilometers is already since 1992 in planning.

 Here again the problem: years long, complicated approval procedures. In the meantime came the approval, which was followed by a lawsuit filed by project opponents against the US government and the granting of authorization.

 The approval process will be reviewed by the Supreme Court of the United States. The cost of “Over the River” will even be around $ 50 million again supported entirely by Christo himself.

 Planned since 1977 is the “Mastaba” project in Abu Dhabi: around 400,000 lying stacked oil barrels in the form of an Egyptian Mastaba in the desert, 300 meters wide, 225 meters deep and 150 meters high. (Pictured: a greatly reduced model)

 The plans rested until recently because of the difficult political situation. However, currently underway again negotiations on the implementation.

 Shortly before achieving well is the project “The Floating Piers”. Walk-webs from polyethylene elements with floating bodies should lead by the shores of Lake Iseo in Italy on the island Monte Isola and San Paolo. The color of the three-kilometer-long ridge …

 … Is the fabric gates in Central Park. By April 2015 Christo presented his plans to do so. They should be implemented without public funding and without entrance fees again, of course, with volunteers. Angepeilter dates: June 2016. The floating piers to 16 days are there and be recycled after

 And it would not be surprising if it Christo again moved to Germany, where he worked many times: Cologne, Kassel, Berlin, Oberhausen … The special relationship it establishes as follows: “I had my first major exhibition in Germany, there was I live in Paris a political refugee, who did not speak German. Nevertheless, I was welcomed with open arms. …

 … We love Germany and we have so many friends. And of course, colleagues and partners. Germany is a part of our lives. “There it is again, this” we “. ChristoundJeanne-Claude. (ABE)


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