Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lutz Seiler is the best narrator of the Year – Hamburger Evening Gazette

10.07.14, 06:08

The writer receives for his turn and dropouts novel “kruso” the German Book Prize 2014

Frankfurt / Hamburg. The German Book Prize has been awarded to Lutz Seiler. Born in Gera 1963 author gets the prestigious award for his novel by dropout and turn “kruso.”

Ahead of the ceremony, the last night as always before took place opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair, Seiler had always been regarded as a big favorite on the Book Award in 2014. And that “kruso,” a stylistically very artful and content vibrant work of contemporary history content, a deserving winner, can hardly be disputed.

Formal heard “kruso “both in the category of development as well as the artist novel, but he describes the Dichterwerdung of sensitive Ed Bendler- who is stranded on Hiddensee after the traumatic loss of his girlfriend. And yet “kruso” much more, because embedded the fate of the young Ed is in a setting that oscillates between the permanent, vacation equal to a state of emergency and by the presence of the soldiers never undeniable intimidation scenario. The East German holiday island in Seiler’s novel an alternative world to the socialist GDR miefenden. Some people search for their temporary release from the bondage of everyday life, others are planning to escape. The many unsuccessful and successful East German refugees continues Seiler in “kruso” a monument: Some managed to Denmark, others have been arrested or drowned

In a year. in which the Berlin Wall marks the 25th time, there could be no turning originerellen novel as “kruso”. A novel colored in a very suggestive way, the states in the GDR and tells of the people, the summer after summer as seasonal workers or tourists who Hiddenseefreiheit searched – the order as in the novel once called to leave the GDR, “without to exceed “limit. Hiddensee was in GDR times an intermediate realm, and it was only this peripheral location on the border with the West, which began somewhere in the Baltic Sea, which could bring a character like the titular kruso.

kruso, actually Alexander Krusowitsch, next to Ed Bendler- is the second main character of this extraordinary novel; a charismatic leader who is against the possibility of the Republic flight across the lake its “Free Republic Hiddensee”. A utopia so that should be a dark side in their anarchic beach-glory a DDR.

The author has poetic and sensual as well as in a nearly to Magical previous language the summer of 1989 described the island Hiddensee, bestowed by the jury in its grounds the novel. As the “Court of disappearance” Hiddensee was then become a place for nerds, creative thinkers, freedom seekers and aspiring East German refugees.

This’ve Seiler a gripping Robinsonade to the eponymous kruso and the young Abwäscher Edgar made, it said.

In the finals Lutz Seiler sat against Thomas Hettche (“Peacock Island”), Angelika Klüssendorf (“April “), Gertrud Leutenegger (” panic Spring “), Thomas Melle (” Euro 3000 “) and Heinrich Steinfest (” The all researchers “) by. Is endowed with a total of 37,500 euros, the price of which the winner receives 25,000 euros. Seiler has been entered mainly as a poet in appearance, “kruso” is his debut novel.



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