Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Men of exhaustion: M’Barek, Buck and Autumn in the “Männerhort” – NEWS


 Wednesday, October 01, 2014


  by Nina Jerzy


 Women’s quota, Parking for women, women’s magazines and then the Chancellor: The guys in the “Männerhort” feel surrounded by women. They just want to watch football and not constantly have to have sex – at least not with his own wife


The new German smugness has tile coffee tables and roaring stags left on the wall behind him and resides in the comedy “Männerhort” now in the Town House-housing development. In the cloned units with towel large garden and simulated individuality annoyed men live with online shopping addicted wives. Bars the district planners have of course not provided in this sterile paradise for families. So the tortured masculinity draws the retreat into the ground at.

The rescue comes for Eroll (Elyas M’Barek) and Lars (Christoph Maria Herbst) at the nadir of their existence in line at the post office. Once again they must return to mountains Returned packages their shopaholic women. As Helmut (Detlev Buck) appears like a guardian angel and shows them the way to the promised land. In the central boiler room of their new estate in Frankfurt am Main, the pilot has created a very special habitat for endangered Men Activities: Bundesliga on the big screen with cans of beer and pizza, kickers, now and then a well-maintained joint overlooking naked Playmates on the wall – and if the old man has even particularly annoyed again, is transplanted to Werder Bremen in the video game Lionel Messi.

These men have worries

That pilot Helmut is as alleged frequent flyer surprisingly often to be found in the boiler room , his pals seem not to attract attention. The finally have their own problems. Software developers Eroll always and everywhere by his emotionally unstable wife (Cosma Shiva Hagen) sexually harassed feels. Dixi-toilet-representative Lars is indeed to have for each quote about his infidelity app, but at the sight of his pregnant wife (Lisa Maria Potthoff) he gets teary-eyed.

As a Facility Manager Aykut (Serkan Cetinkaya) the Männerhort discovered, whose fate seems sealed. For instead of a testosterone-biotope sees the pedant only escape route disabilities and fire hazards. Also, the club membership is Aykut will not move. In contrast to the German softies he has a Turk finally his wife under control: A new scarf per year and rest is! The three friends are desperate -., Only to find that there may be still worse

That with Franziska Meyer Price (“Doctor’s Diary”) just a woman with “Männerhort” has directed, not surprised even if originally Detlev Buck was provided for this position. The lovely masculinity gets quite off their fat, especially in the form of compulsive foreign walker Lars, the properly could have served as a source of inspiration for Herbert Grönemeyer’s anthem “men”.

descent to feces disposal

The film is based on the eponymous play by Kristof Magnusson. Critics of the talents had been celebrated as fine intimate and socially critical comedy masterpiece. At such praises the movie adaptation comes close not quite. Perhaps it is significant that was already on the stage of autumn in best “Stromberg” style embodied by a manager Lars degraded to a chemical loo-seller. Just at Hagens only intolerable estrogen-bomb Connie would have wished for the in some cases also for the theatrical version

More about – women were in the play not in appearance.

Cute anecdote: M’Barek (arrived only last week with the hacker movie “Who Am I” to the movies), was originally supposed to play the Turkish Facility Manager. The son of a Tunisian father and an Austrian mother chose wisely for the migration completely background-free Eroll, which also may be upset about constantly being “angetürkt” by the public. In this way, because even YouTube comedian Serkan Cetinkaya (“Süper Tiger Show”) came to his first major film role. The will not be his last. The law graduate steals more than once his experienced castmates the show.

“Männerhort” comes on October 2 in the German cinemas.



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