Monday, June 8, 2015

TV Column “Günther Jauch”: This ARD Talk shows why Günther Jauch … – ABC Online

Monday, 08.06.2015, 09:21 · FOCUS-Online-author Carin Pawlak
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G7 summit, Egypt, hospice, nuclear power – missing only the chlorine-Gockerl: In “Günther Jauch” each particle is puzzling about politics. The moderator, who wants to be no more soon, as always keeps his cards firmly.

So we now know that Günther Jauch his Sunday talk will give up at the end of the year. He competed with big words. Saw the previous presenters make a few points. Was that colleagues are too little snappy.

Now, years later, it must be noted that Günther Jauch has mainly read from cards, felt uncomfortable when something was just millimeters from the standard track. One need only recall the Varoufakis glitch

Politics and Policy Talk:. Much managed little designed

His latest issue is about politics. Lamented a large area that would only managed little can be designed. It should be noted: Günther Jauch has managed his Sunday talk show especially designed little. That it had to give Anne Will, is now less evident than ever.

The world in disarray, the talk it is

“The World in Disarray – can politics still solve crises “was the theme of this Sunday evening. It looks Margot Käßmann, the theologian, “little more courage to dispute”. Provoked them just at the German Protestant Kirchentag in Stuttgart when they quoted the Bible. Is translated into the now-time: One could even consider to adopt the Greek debt yet

Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble was not so funny.. Among the Greeks it comes to the Egyptians because Broadcast guest Fagr Eladly, medical student and Juso member, has denounced as murderers during a press conference the controversial Egyptian President al-Sisi. The World in Disarray? The Talk this Sunday it is also.

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Tie brother in Purple

Somehow more. Dietmar Herz, political scientist and short-term politician in Thuringia has always gefremdelt with his post as Secretary of State. You can see that it still now. Full content beyond the man has nothing to report. Peter Altmaier, his brother tie in fashionable purple, fights well. Although it can also no longer contribute as the proposition “that it is important at the G7, to meet in person”.

Germany is presenting “his good side.” What should he say. But is interesting but that the chancellery minister the Revoluzzerin Fagr Eladly met with protocol, but as Peter Altmaier find this young woman very brave.

“G7 is absurd and a waste of money”

If Gabor Steingart, editor of the newspaper “Handelsblatt”, the “absurd” finds the G-7 Summit. This as a “waste of money” and castigates most “theatricality” in this event recognizes. He controls

An interesting thoughts. The media, the long 24/7, so around the clock, raushauen the news would make many a problem bigger than it is in reality. Too many speeds in the form of news-streams would simultaneously bombarded the people out there.

It should be “the truth the people reasonable,” he quotes the writer Ingeborg Bachmann. But precisely because too many speeds -Gerede act even when “Günther Jauch” Steingart, the Austrian poet Bachmann quickly once as a German. Günther Jauch moderation cards have the real facts, unfortunately, not at hand.

Jauch as stiff as it shows the parodist

Jauch and his cards. Much more was not. Almost always he was so stiff, as shows him his parodist Michael Kessler in his words Sunday. He never seemed to feel comfortable in this format.

Far from mischievous “Millionaire?”. As wig with Status Quo to Gottschalk’s 65th birthday, he was much more with you, and even when the game show “The 2″. Unforgotten his Duo-coup with Marcel Reif at Torfall Madrid 1998th

Märchenonkel or YouTube Star?

The fact that Günther Jauch frees Sunday is good. The ARD should think very well, who should make the talk future and not just administer. Anne Will or Sandra Maischberger would be a good, safe choice because. But the First you never know.

As a storyteller excessive Moderator Thomas Roth could well succeed as a lowbrow YouTube star à la LeFloid. Here one has the good in the house. Ingo Zamperoni would be one.

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