Sunday, June 7, 2015

“Tatort” -check: to look away: victims in Vienna “Tatort” expected today … – ABC Online

Sunday, 07.06.2015, 19:25 · FOCUS-Online-author Angelika tooth
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It is the twelfth common case of Bibi Fellner (Adele Neuhauser) and Moritz Eisner (Harald Krassnitzer). High expectations – but unfortunately the Vienna “Tatort” this time falls short of – added. In “greed” lack the attributes that are otherwise so dear viewers. Blame:.? The script

What was actually in a tragic accident in a chemical plant is Roswita Mader (Emily Cox) etched with hydrofluoric acid and dies as a result of poisoning a little later. Actually falls not into the area of ​​responsibility of the Vienna Commissioners Moritz Eisner (Harald Krassnitzer) and Bibi Fellner (Adele Neuhauser) . Because her boss, Sektionschef Rauter (Hubert Kramar) , but the godfather of the dead was, they are canceled, to reconstruct what happened.

First, the two grumble. But as it turns out that the protective suit was flawed processed and then but the manager of the Wendler Group shot is found, this will develop a real case.

When the victim dies? Shortly after the poison accident in the hospital. Here not the point, but rather is as remarkable: The woman screams in pain and suffering for minutes horribly before – to their happiness – loses consciousness. So cruel that one can hardly look … A corpse Viennese style we face stylish or at least a little less clearly before.

The horrible spine-tingling moment: The husband of the victim immediately rushes with Bibi and Moritz hospitalized and displays them proudly a picture of himself and his wife, received a few days earlier. Before luck almost bursting keep the two on a scan in the camera – Roswita is pregnant . A few moments later, his wife and unborn child are dead

This is the action-Kracher:. Helmut Mader (Eugen Knecht), the husband of the dead, goes to the General Manager the chemical company going. In his pain he wants to find out on your own, what has happened to his wife. Otherwise, the viewer gets in “greed” little action to see. Insufficient

The most romantic moment. How gallant Moritz Bibi compliments makes for their looks, as it constitutes an Birthday break their superiors. One notices: These two have in their twelfth joint case respect and affection for each

The prize for the best outfit to:. Commissioner Moritz Eisner. Although he and colleague Bibi really are totally overdressed on the boss birthday, he gives in black tailcoat and bow is a very elegant figure from. When he then also Hand Kisses distributed, are even blown away old ladies …

best acting performance : Sabrina Wendler, head of the protective clothing company (played by Maria Köstlinger ), has ensured that her unloved husband in the closed Psychiatry schmorrt to himself. Now she wants to share with her lover, a corporate lawyer Dr. Viktor Perschawa (Michael Masula) , to sell the family business and make a good life with money. How far she goes for it? Köstlinger perfectly embodies a blend of cool rigor and passionate madness.

Cruellest villain: What concocts Peter Wendler (Anian Zollner), betrayed by his wife and his best friend and locked away behind the closed doors of psychiatry? He seems calm and balanced. But you realize that trouble is brewing behind the facade. How will he took revenge

The Depp by service: Unconditional loyalty above all else: secretary Elisabeth Schneider (Johanna Mertinz) has dedicated her whole life to the family and company Wendler. But who thanks her for over 40 years humble obedience? . Eben

The funniest scene: Sorry, to wit the crime fans have to do without in this case from Vienna, unfortunately. The two commissioners are from the script sentenced to determine stubborn and without side glances at her case. For Viennese humor and typically lovingly-grumpy war of words between Moritz and Bibi has unfortunately left no place author Verena Kurth.

complexity of privacy the commissioners of 1-10: What had Moritz Eisner (lovesickness, fear for the daughter) and Bibi Fellner (alcoholism, criminal pleasure) it all for private problems to solve. Normally, the two were in the scoring in this category very high up there. In the event of “greed” we can only give a 1 but here. Because: The Private Life of investigators is this time simply nonexistent

FOCUS Online. Conclusion: The “Tatort” fans love Team from Vienna. The reason is that cases are often exciting, but not overdone. And the commissioners have this unique interaction that the audience amused and simultaneously stirred . But this time we are waiting for all those things that make up the Austrian “Tatort”, unfortunately, more or less in vain. This is not because the actors, but on a ungrateful script . Too bad!
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