Sunday, June 14, 2015

Prince Carl Philip and Sofia Hellqvist: An aristocratic wedding as the euro vision … – THE WORLD

Trooping the Colour and Prince Wedding on a date – for friends of Europe’s royal houses presented this Saturday something like the Royale Champions League Finals are

The first half came at noon from London. Hundreds soldiers in red uniforms and bearskin marched in front of Buckingham Palace in honor of the 89th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. on. Actually, already on 21 April. But you know, the English weather … There is the second of June the sun will technically more reliable option.

husband Prince Philip rode despite his 94 years on horseback at the parade with, as heir to the throne Charles, his sister Anne and son William. The respective spouse drove carriage

Photo.: WireImage / Getty Images The British royals on the balcony of Buckingham Palace

A ragged Event with precise ceremonial. There are children not provided. The nearly two-year-old Prince George could only watch the bustle through the palace window. Only for family photo on the balcony he was going

The second half followed from Stockholm a few hours later -. And could not form a stronger contrast

Coldplay after knot

point 16.35 clock entered Sofia Hellqvist the arm of father Erik the Castle Church. Simple dress, elegant bun, sun tattoo between the shoulder blades teilentblößten. At the altar Prince Carl Philip: naval uniform, stubble

In the first ranks of the high nobility of Europe – what Carl Philips year niece Leonora should not prevent, during the ceremony. to crawl over several laps. If it was not just entertained by her mother, Princess Madeleine, with storybook or pacifier.

These no organ music, no hymn. But the Gaelic mystical pop song “Ar Athair Neamh” by singer Enya. It soon became clear: here is deliberately broken with tradition. This is not a usual needle wedding. This is the Euro Vision Song Contest -. And Sweden not in vain record winner

After the vows of local pop star Salem Al Fakir sang the Coldplay ballad “Fix you “- a song with a lot of heartache, tears and dark chords. Shortly thereafter put singer David Pagmar with the Swedish version of Rihanna’s hit “Umbrella” by. Ideal material for future kitchen psychological relationship analyzes.

dispute over music choices

the wedding turned to the final in a gospel church service : 400 Royale guests rose from their seats to clap to the rhythm of the music, while Carl Philip and Sofia walked out of the church – into the midst of a social media storm

“Is that still the royal wedding or even the Swedish pop festival?” says an onlooker mocked on the pop worship on Twitter. Another: “I really think now Sweden has often won the ESC!”

A third railed: “What wedding gifts gets the newlyweds – I? hope a new musical taste. “

Other were impressed by the unusual choice of music. “Yikes … refreshingly young and trendy this wedding as in Sweden,” it said impressed. “So pathetic squashed A few tears in front of the TV!”.

Also in the wedding party in the evening put the newlyweds by the way on the fun factor: guests before 500 occurred the Swedish band Icona Pop (“I love it”) and star DJ Avicii (“Wake me up”) on. Or, as a Twitter user approvingly put it: “Some marry, as do other Party Very crazy..”

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