Friday, June 5, 2015

+++ “Newtopia” in news ticker +++: Sex communard Rainer Langhans draws … – ABC Online

Updated on Friday, 06.05.2015, 15:02
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105 cameras , an old barn and little contact with the outside world: 15 pioneers start their own ideal society “Newtopia”. Without toilets, food or rules. How much adventure really behind it, you follow the news ticker of FOCUS Online.

Rainer Langhans draws in the “Newtopia” -Scheune

08.34 Clock: “Newtopia” it is coming soon to encounter the shaggy-mane. After riots pioneer Candy was allowed to return to the TV village recently, according to information of “Bild” newspaper on Friday afternoon cult hippie Rainer Langhans follow. Visually, the two meet in a (hair) wave. Langhans is obliged to bring alleged expensive gifts to his collection: “Everybody gets a laptop, which is the first step. It’s crazy that you do a television program about a utopian society, while the most utopian, what has been brought about, namely the Internet, it does not use “, the ex-jungle Camper (2011) is of” quotes image “.

According to the report is initially just a visit for a few days planned. An extension of stay in the TV-village is not excluded. Finally, Langhans feels a fiddle in shared apartments. After his time in the late 60s the political WG “Commune I” Langhans now lives in Munich in a Lebengsgemeinschaft called “The Harem” with its five partners. Let’s see if he and his brother in the spirit Candy now shake up the television experiment properly. According to information of “image” which is at least the aim of Langhans

Candy comeback with “Newtopia”

Tuesday 02 June. Sensation! Zausel Candy is recovered in Newtopia. As you could see in a live stream, the ex-residents allowed to return because of a tussle campfire despite sacking. “People want a candy comeback. We give to this request and Candy a second chance. He has Newtopia ‘noon today re-enter,” said a spokeswoman Sat.1 FOCUS Online.

Before was seen in the episode yesterday, as Candy love messages had thrown his Vicky over the fence, through a megaphone were the words “I love you” to hear. Vicky was pleased – and Sat.1 took the occasion to ask the fans if they want to have Candy. When Lightning Voting on voted 62.85 percent in favor.

Why must he come back? After a new principle to the “16th pioneer,” the audience, have more say and held a better exchange. That the pioneers had desired. Now they get the receipt, uh, the Candy

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