Thursday, June 4, 2015

Melissa McCarthy – totally cool in Spy – Susan Cooper Undercover – STERN

D as biggest misconception about Melissa McCarthy? Hollywood women for the bawdy joke draws a small pout and think. “That I constantly swear!” Say it and smiles fine. The 44-year-old comedy heroine sits on one of these luxury sofas in one of these luxury suites in one of these luxury hotels in Berlin and stunned with a fragility that precludes complete their reputation. Yes, Melissa McCarthy is a stunner Brumme, she managed as thick girlfriend Lorelei Gilmore in the series “Gilmore Girls” breakthrough. She threw herself in “Bridesmaids” with full weight in any scenes. Melissa McCarthy is everything Hollywood is not really as Beth Ditto is actually all that is not the pop business. And McCarthy is so successful so that they can choose their films that she has with her husband (by the way the Air-Marshall of “Bridesmaids”) own production company founded and their own films turns.

But when Melissa McCarthy sits in front of one and speaks of her family, her work and her passion, it does so on fragile nature, almost quietly, relaxed, as if it were at least they do not care for that it is thick. But just for not us. She knows best

So much pleasurable McCarthy takes it now with one of the great icons of cinema on: “Spy – Susan Cooper Undercover” makes James Bond as a totgebotoxten dinosaurs. look, has more heart than “Austin Powers” and is mainly the most feminine of all spy movies. What “Mad Max: Fury Road” was the action film, does “spy” for the agents comedy

I like it that you in your films always vanity with humanity. encounter. If the intention of Mrs McCarthy?
Oh, excuse me, my stomach growls. (She laughs). I know what you mean. One reason why I like so much Susan Cooper’s – and playing there with pure – how much they will be underestimated. I love to watch her as she herself, as she gains confidence. “And if you representing me as a fool, I’m still going to do my job well, put me in a crazy outfit, I’m still going to have success with what I’m doing.” I love the fact that they can not be be beaten. She stays on her way, and above all: it remains smart. Really funny, it is only as long as it does not act silly. As long as she is capable and competent, she can do anything.


Even cat shirts.
My favorite costume.

Is perfection an insult?
No, but to play boring. Because there is nothing to play. However, I believe anyway, that there is no perfection. A human being is perfect, if it has errors when it has comic ticks. If you fall in love, but then not in a perfect look. That’s over in 30 seconds, when someone says something stupid. But charming behavior that remains.

What was it like with your husband?
I remember very well how I on the first day his hometown have offended. I’m going to school. But I have a crush on me when he. At a rehearsal, when we all wanted to impress and were particularly loud, gave a very withdrawn, very creepy performance by a Southerner in prison, who talks about his fellow prisoners, he really like We all sat there and listened to him spellbound. And I thought: Oh, the sweet

But he was creepy
That convinced me… (Chuckles)

 Melissa McCarthy, Spy, Jason Statham, Jew Law, Bridesmaids, Gilmore Girls, Paul Feig,

For almost ten years, Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone are married. You have to know each other at the sketch troupe “The Groundlings”. ©

How good are you with fits of laughter on the set?
I can speak pretty good, but when I start to laugh, I do not hear more on. Jason (Statham, Anm.d.Red.) Had to play pretty häufgig with my trembling mind, because I had my laughter and I turned around. If he has loose-really, I could no longer simple. Good God, he was so funny

When you have thought for the first time: Hey, I’m funny?
I come from a funny family. If I could bring over dinner all at the table laugh, it was the greatest happiness. As waves pass through the body.

And when did you realize that you can live on it?
In the first night, as I did stand-up comedy and people laughed, I thought, “That’s strange I’m standing here, and it is decided whether I’m funny or not, and I have passed…” The next day I called my parents and said that I will not go on to college, but do stand-up.

How were your parents?
You just said just “Okay”. I just talked only with my mother about it. I said, “Mom, that was really great of you, but what a bad advice (she laughs out loud) Why did the support?” And my mother said: “Because we found you funny and we knew that you worked hard and I have never found the fashion industry especially safe..” (As McCarthy wanted to work) But Stand-Up fandet her safe … ???

You have worked hard for 15 years – without much success. Did you ever give up?
Of course. Whenever I had to call my sister to pay an electricity bill, or if my car had to be repaired. I gained much, classes had to pay, have placed pieces on the legs. But I also did not want to give up. I can still take a Tagjob and play at night, I thought

There was no deadline. If I have not made it by 30, I stop?
At 29 I was a production assistant at a theater and really liked it. I thought if I made anything with 30, I’ll producer. Do not know if I have believed himself. But two weeks before my 30th birthday I got the part in “Gilmore Girls”.

 Melissa McCarthy, Spy, Jason Statham, Jew Law, Bridesmaids, Gilmore Girls, Paul Feig,

A loud cursing Melissa McCarthy in the own production “Tammy” ©

What was the best job and what’s worst, you had to make in LA to earn your bread?
babysitting! I love children. That was a good job. A strange job … In New York, I was a waitress for years. In LA me but no one wanted to hire.

Why not?
I do not know. The always wanted to have a portrait photo, which I thought was really creepy. Maybe I did not get a waiter job because I’ve never given one.

As a teenager you were Goth. How does a funny Goth?
I think that was my first role. I looked really, when I was going to kill someone. I was hardcore. But as soon as I spoke, it was over. I have partially shaved off the hair and my face white makeup, and my Schwetser has launched: When it keeps someone on? I found it funny. I was bored.

How far can you get in Hollywood, if you’re nice?
I think I get out there pretty well. I hope so, I’m cute. You have to surround yourself with nice people. (“Spy” director) Paul Feig is really nice. My husband is the nicest person I’ve ever met. Part of Gehemnisses is probably that everyone with whom you work, like should be there. If you’re making a comedy, you can use, the spread bad mood anyone. That’s more important than ever. It is increasingly difficult to make films, to fund them. Therefore, it is important to understand well with the people.

What do you think is the biggest Missverständis about you?
That I like a Bierkutscher curse! I always say what I think and plows through life as in my roles. Of course I do not. But I hope that some will hang them. Recently I was with my mother in the street when a man comes to us and starts madly to curse. I thought, who is mistaken and was wondering, how do I get my mother into the car as soon as possible. He said: “I f * ing love f * ing much as you f * ing swearing in her f * ing films.” And next to me is my mother, who has never cursed in her life, a dear woman from the Midwest! And I said to him: My mom supports me, please do not curse so loud



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