Wednesday, June 10, 2015

James Last is dead: “Non Stop Music” forever – ABC Online

Wednesday, 06.10.2015, 19:11
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The music world mourns by James Last. The famous bandleader died on Tuesday at the age of 86 years. His last tour was the “Non Stop Music” tour. That is what was his motto. The music never stops

He was an international star, the boys did not know so well. Perhaps they remember his sound. On the theme song of the ZDF series “The Love Boat”, his “Happy Party Sound” to his hit “Biscay” , an orchestral piece with the melancholy wanderlust sounds of an accordion.

million (elderly) German and music lovers around the world will mourn for him: The legendary bandleader James Last died on Tuesday at the age of 86 years at his home in Florida. He had been suffering from a serious illness for a year.

“We say goodbye to the people, friend and visionary, the world through its impressive power and openness, professionalism, modesty and love of life model and inspiration for many generations was, “it says on the artist’s homepage.

Music to the end

Even in old age was the slim North German who actually Hans load was said band prior to its many-headed Big, which he conducted almost motionless. An Implied gesture, a smile, a barely perceptible nod were enough to fill the concert halls with his signature sound.

“The cool-looking Hanseat with the impish humor knew indeed his life, to animate dancing, but he himself is as usual almost motionless as his own monument on the stage. Minimalistic clock indications of the right hand are sufficient, however, to keep 35-piece orchestra musically on track this, “wrote the” Kölnische Rundschau “later this spring.

” Non Stop Music “

Since he had his last tour – “Non Stop Music” – completed. 24 concerts in Germany, Denmark, France, Austria and at London’s Royal Albert Hall (as a conclusion). After that should be concluded not with the music, but with the exhausting live tour-stress, which he had regularly exposed since 1968. He wanted to rest and recharge in Florida.

Born in Bremen in 1929 Hans load was trained in the Army Music School Bückeburg on bass and tuba. After the war, he first played in American clubs before him with his orchestra made a breakthrough in the 60s. Was especially true in the 70s James Last as Party King. He created medleys, which presented continuously popular music in a characteristic dance music style. This party music found its audience between the followers of that rock music and traditional dance music

TV tunes from his pen

James Last was showered downright with music prizes and awards. Best Jazz bassist , popular orchestra, Golden Grammophon, Echo for life’s work, Golden Europe, German Record Prize, Federal Cross of Merit and many more. There were also 17 platinum records, 207 gold and eleven silver.

He has composed hits like “Biscay” and “Happy Heart”, wrote in musical intros the TV series “A Country Doctor”, “The Love Boat” and “Two Munich in Hamburg” as well as the score for” Tomorrow at seven the world is still in order, “” If sweet the moonlight on the hills sleeps “and the soundtrack to the comedy” Why Men Do not listen and Women Can not Read Maps “. He never attained despite the immense drive sales

material wealth. James Last was the victim of some investment fraudsters. He bought oil rigs, wineries and cotton fields in the United States as the impairment models and lost millions. When in 1985 he wanted to visit its wineries, it turned out that all the projects did not exist. As a result, the tax benefits accounted for, there was great additional claims. Last had to take out loans and was again debt free until shortly before his 70th birthday.

“The music never stops”

Last year he was diagnosed with a life-threatening inflammation of the intestine. In an emergency operation to him 20 centimeters intestine were removed. Nevertheless, he went in the spring back on tour

In his autobiography “Non Stop Life” writes James Last. “If I drop their end of a concert from the stage and take my leave of my audience, I call most often into Micro: We’ll meet again, to two years’! So far I have this promise always respected. Maybe this is almost like a summoning ritual, perhaps I mean to persuade life, always move on – the music never stops “

James Last. on stage you can experience on MyVideo – here there is the clip for “Do not Cry For Me Argentina”

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