Friday, June 5, 2015

Günther Jauch listen to the ARD talk to – a good thing – SPIEGEL ONLINE

The last really moving moment in the talk show hosted by Günther Jauch is not so long ago. It resulted in a discussion on the refugee catastrophe in April. Then all on the podium and in the audience and put a minute’s silence for the dead in the Mediterranean and elsewhere. A poignant scene, a non-consensus logener moment, how it staged in the large television drivel has rarely. The problem: Not Günther Jauch had initiated this moment – it was organized by the rather overworked moderator. A refugee helpers had the minute’s silence demanded spontaneously and thus asked the editors to a severe test. Why had not even occurred to Jauch such a simple, but not at all cheap humanistic gesture?

After him the charge had (often referred to in the course of discussion Gremlins) at NDR 2011 compared considerable doubts various ARD committees enforced in order to unite politics and Boulevard discourse and sentiment.

therapist, senior teacher, savers

Jauch, the “Stern TV” brought before more than twenty years with RTL over the stage, seemed to those responsible for the only presenter on German television to be, the has the potential to penetrate the major societal issues, while taking account of the concerns of the audience. As a therapist, senior teacher and home savings in a person, so to speak.

At least the plan. He then went on but never really. As Jauch as the first talk-director in January invited a member of the right-wing populist movement Pegida, the woman could not have much to say, confusion, while the moderator bedröppelt looked meantime in the camera. When the Greek Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis was in March to a euro debate has switched prominently, this has been demonstrated only with the video of a two year old speech, to then leave him completely overwhelmed the word. The contents in the debate tended to zero. A dubious dynamics stood at times in the talk show: Where Jauch populism could unmask, he appeared often oddly toothless. And where he would have to take as often broke unabated populism actually train the resentment from the discourse.

So it’s gone far wrong in recent years with “Günther Jauch” – but it was always the fault of Günther Jauch? Or is it just that he was bound to fail from the start? A bit of social criticism in “Tatort”, after that discuss the world in the second bottle of wine? Correct, opinionated, then please also broadly effective?

Maybe that’s just a bit much to ask. We notice but also no one who could really complete this job. Günther Jauch has now drawn the consequences, the end of 2015 he leaves his contract with ARD expire. On the political Boulevard in First the lights will be deleted. Maybe they should stay out.

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